Mastering Customer Retention: Tipsy Elves' Marketing Strategies

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Is it really enough to just make customers happy?

What about keeping them happy?

This is called retention marketing. Why does this matter and how can you make it happen?

A good digital marketing specialist should know the answer to this simple question. If you don't, then keep reading, we'll give you a lot of tips and insights in this article.

In this post, we’ll answer those questions and give you easy-to-follow tips.

And later on, we'll also cover how to hire a retention specialist.

(Before I forget: Check out the video above and the transcript at the end of this post for a deeper analysis into a real-world retention campaign!)

What is Retention Marketing?

Any business that wants to do well needs to learn about retention marketing. It’s like building a lasting relationship with your customers. You want to keep them coming back to buy more so you take care of them and make them happy. Even better, they might even tell their friends to shop with you, too. This helps your business grow bigger and bigger without having to find new buyers all the time. That's one of the major responsibilities of an email marketing specialist.

Tipsy Elves, known for their awesome snow apparel designs, does this really well. We’ll look at their emails and texts. Then, we’ll learn about a few cool strategies you can use for your own business.

Why is Retention Marketing Important?

Getting new buyers is just the start. That's what a PPC specialist does, they keep people flowing into your sales funnel.

So what happens next after those new buyers leave your store?

You need to make sure they come back again and again. If they get bored with you, they might go to a different shop. That’s why we have “retention marketing.” It’s when you make sure your customers stick with you as you introduce them with new products coming their way. It helps so much in saving money. Here’s why:

Happier customers spend more. Those who stay with your business tend to buy more things over time. It’s a lot easier to sell to them than having to find new people all the time.

You get to have free ads. Happy customers tell friends and family about you. This helps bring in new customers without you having to spend extra money.

You read that right, you aspiring Facebook ads specialists and Google ads specialists better read carefully :)

Makes the team stronger. Loyal customers help you learn what works and what doesn’t which makes your business even better for everyone.

Ways to Make Customers Love Your Brand

Do you ever get emails and texts from stores that are more annoying than interesting?

Add to that some spammy messages that basically say they just want you to buy their products and not saying anything meaningful. Here are some ways you can show customers that they’re special and that you care:

Make them smile and laugh

Imagine your inbox is full. Do we open the boring mail or the one with the funny joke? Funny subject lines make you curious and want to see what’s inside. Come up with fresh and witty ideas to make your customers’ day by making them smile or laugh through a personal touch.

Ask for their ideas

Customers love being heard. Surveys and feedback forms show that you value their opinions. Send out short questions in the emails asking what they would like to see from you. They can tell you what’s working, what could be better, and even give you ideas.

Say “thank you” often

A simple thank you note or small gift goes a long way. It shows customers you appreciate them. Send special thank-yous for big orders, birthdays, or when customers leave positive reviews. You could even include a small gift or surprise discount code.

Celebrate their wins

Did you find out a customer achieved a big goal? Like reaching a loyalty milestone or just simply making their 5th purchase? Send a congrats email with a special offer or small gift. Congratulating them shows that you’re paying attention to them.

Offer inside perks

Special offers are like surprises for your customers. It makes people excited to buy something knowing they can save money through the discounts. Plus early access to sales, exclusive offers, and free gifts feel like being a VIP and having all those perks for sticking with you.

For example, Tipsy Elves uses emails and texts to offer customers all kinds of discounts, staying in touch while reminding customers about new stuff and special deals. It's like saying, “Hey, remember us? We have cool new things! And get this, they are JUST FOR YOU.” This shows why it’s important to send messages that feel special. Remember, even small gestures can make a big difference in making your customers feel loved.

Tips to Become A Retention Specialist

Retention specialists understand the secret to growing a successful business, and that’s happy and loyal customers. They work hard to build strong relationships that not only make – but keep – customers coming back. It takes practice, but it’s a skill worth mastering. Here are a few tips to get you started on the path to becoming a retention expert:

Get to know your customers

Do you want to be someone who’s really good at keeping customers happy and sticking around? It's like being a superhero for your business. Here are some cool tips on how to become an awesome Retention Specialist by getting to know your customers really well.

1. Be a Detective with Customer Data

Imagine you’re a detective, and your job is to find clues about what your customers like and don’t like. You can look at what they buy, how they talk to you, and even what they say on the internet. And the most important for this step: keep track of all these clues. The more you know, the better you can make them happy.

Fun Activity: Have a clue-finding party every week. Look at your notes and see if you can spot any cool patterns, like if lots of people are buying the same thing.

2. Talk to Customers Like They’re Your Friends

Everyone likes feeling special. Use what you learned from your detective work to talk to your customers like they’re your buddies. If you know they love soccer, maybe send them a message about soccer when you talk about your stuff. It shows you're paying attention.

Cool Example: If you're selling lotions and someone loves coconut, you can say, “Hey, guess what? We have a new coconut lotion just for you!”

3. Guess What They Need Before They Say It

Be like a mind reader. If you know a lot about your customers, you can guess what they might need next. If someone always buys gifts from your store before Valentine’s Day, maybe suggest a cool new gift idea before they even ask.

Fun Activity: Draw a map of the year and mark when people might need something special. Then, you can surprise them with great ideas at the perfect time.

4. Always Ask, “What Do You Think?”

Think of your customer as the captain of your team. After they try your products/services or talk to you, ask them, “Did you like it? What can we do better?” When they tell you, really listen and try to make things better. Then, let them know you made changes because of what they said. They’ll feel super important.

Cool Example: If someone says, “I wish your slime was glow-in-the-dark,” and you make it happen, tell them, “Guess what? Our slime glows now, thanks to your idea!”

5. A Story: The Super Snack Box

Let’s talk about a company that sends snacks to people’s homes every month. They noticed some people wanted snacks without nuts because of allergies. So, they made a special nut-free snack box and told people, “We heard you! Here's something just for you.” Those people were so happy and told all their friends. More people started getting snack boxes, and everyone was happy.

What Did We Learn? 

Being great at keeping customers means being a “super friend” to them. Learn about what they like, talk to them in special ways, guess their wishes, and always listen to their ideas.

Solve problems quickly

1. The Power of Listening: A Klaviyo Case Study

Threadheads is a unique t-shirt brand that started as a small shop. They make really cool shirts with fun designs and they sell these shirts in a place near Melbourne. People love buying shirts there because the people at Threadheads know just what kind of shirts they like.

But when Threadheads wanted to sell shirts online, they had a big problem. They wanted to make sure people shopping online felt just as special as they did in the store.

How Klaviyo Helped

In 2019, Threadheads started using Klaviyo. This tool helped them see what each online shopper liked. It was like having a superpower. They could see if someone liked movie shirts or funny cat shirts and when they last bought something.

What They Did

Using Klaviyo, Threadheads sent emails and texts that felt like they were from a friend. They tested to see if people liked funny messages more than just being told to buy. They were right – people loved the funny messages. They also made sure to tell people about new shirts they would really like, like a special Barbie shirt when the Barbie movie came out. Klaviyo even helped them send emails at the perfect time for each person.

How Threadheads Got Their Big Win

Ace Reunis, co-founder and director of Threadheads, said using Klaviyo was a big reason they got really big, really fast. By being awesome listeners and talking to customers through special emails and texts, they saw their sales grow a lot. Actually, 20% of all of their sales is because they're really good at listening.

With the help of Klaviyo, Threadheads became a star at retention marketing. They turned into Klaviyo retention specialists by sending out emails and texts that people really wanted to read and that talked about things people really cared about. This wasn’t just about selling; it was about creating a connection. That’s why they could make so much more money and keep their customers coming back.

So, what’s the takeaway? If you’re in the business of selling online, becoming a retention specialist through smart email marketing with Klaviyo can be your secret weapon. Threadheads is proof that listening and acting on what you hear can lead to amazing things

2. Speed Saves the Day: Personal Experience from an Email Marketing Campaign

Quick Moves: An online retailer launched a flash sale but soon realized there was a glitch with the checkout process. Within an hour, they fixed the bug and used Klaviyo to send an "All Clear" announcement to their customers.

The Super Speed Impact: By addressing and communicating the issue quickly, the retailer saw a significant rebound in sales within minutes of sending the email. This case underscores the role of a retention specialist in maintaining trust through rapid response.

3. Utilizing Super Tools: Klaviyo's Role in Understanding Customer Needs

Detective Work: A retention specialist used Klaviyo's analytics tools to segment their audience based on past purchasing behavior and engagement levels. This allowed them to identify at-risk customers who hadn't made a purchase recently.

Saving the Day: By creating personalized email campaigns that addressed the reasons these customers might have been disengaged, they were able to rekindle interest and drive repeat purchases.

Lesson Learned: The targeted approach, facilitated by Klaviyo, helped the brand improve its retention rates, showcasing the effectiveness of using sophisticated tools to understand and act on customer data.

4. The Art of Heroic Conversations: Building Relationships through Email

Made In has been making top-notch cookware for home chefs and fancy restaurants since 2017. It was started by two friends, Jake and Chip. Jake’s family sold kitchen stuff for a long time, and Chip knew a lot about selling things online.

As Made In grew, they faced a big problem. They were using different tools to talk to their customers through email, texts, and online reviews. This made things complicated because these tools didn’t work well together, making it hard for the Made In team to keep up. They wanted to make sure their customers felt special and listened to, just like in a good conversation. 

How Klaviyo Helped

Made In decided to use Klaviyo for everything. Klaviyo let them send emails and texts and get reviews all in one place. Don Smolik, who works at Made In, said, "We had trusted Klaviyo for years on the email side, and we knew that they could bring in SMS and have such a good, robust program." This made things a lot easier.

What They Did

Smart Texts: Made In sent texts to people who liked texts more than emails. This helped them talk to more people in a way they liked.

Emails for What You Like: If someone liked a certain kind of pot or pan, Made In sent them emails about those. This made the emails better for each person.

Learning from Reviews: With Klaviyo, Made In could ask people more questions in reviews. This helped them learn what people liked and make their emails and texts even better.

By using Klaviyo for emails, texts, and reviews, Made In made shopping with them even more fun. They fixed the problem of using too many tools and made a system that works really well. Now, people get messages about stuff they're interested in, which makes them happy to buy from Made In.

What Did We Learn?

Made In’s story shows it’s really important to have everything in one place. Talking to customers in a kind and caring way, and really listening to what they say, can make a business grow strong. It makes work easier for the business and everything better for the customers. When every message is just right for each person, it makes them feel special.

Made In became Klaviyo retention specialists in email marketing, showing that good chats can lead to big wins. So, if you want to make your customers stick around and buy more, think about how you talk to them.

5. Reflect and Adapt: Learning from Every Email Campaign

The Willow Tree Boutique is a store that sells women’s clothes. It started in a small place and then grew to have more stores and sell things online too. They wanted to make sure they sent the right messages to people who liked their clothes.

How They Learned and Got Better

They used Klaviyo to understand better what their customers liked. Klaviyo has something special called predictive analytics. This means it can guess when someone might want to buy something again. The Willow Tree Boutique started to use this to send emails at the perfect time.

Better Emails: They sent emails to people who were most likely to buy something soon. This made more people interested in what they were selling.

Learning from Data: Every time they sent out emails, they looked at how well they did. They saw more people buying things because they were sending smarter emails.

Making Changes: They kept changing their emails to make them better. If they learned something new from the data, they used it to improve their next emails.

The Good Results

Because they used Klaviyo's smart tools, The Willow Tree Boutique sold a lot more. They learned from each email they sent, making each one better than the last. This helped them grow and sell even more clothes to people who liked their style.

What We Learn from This

The Willow Tree Boutique shows us that it’s important to keep learning and getting better – especially about sending the right message at the right time to the right people.

Make it easy

Don’t make buying things or getting help a hassle.This means they can buy things or get help without any trouble. You want to make shopping on your website quick and simple. Offer different ways to pay and make sure it’s easy to find what they need. If someone has a question, make it easy to find help with a live chat or a phone number that’s easy to spot. The simpler the process, the happier customers are.

Why Easy Is Best: When everything is easy, customers are happy. They like when buying something or solving a problem doesn’t make them stressed. When you take away the hassle, you make shopping fun. This is how you build trust and keep customers happy.

How to Make It Super Easy

1. Fast Shopping: Make sure your website is quick to load and easy to use. Customers should find what they want and buy it fast.

2. More Ways to Pay: Some people like using credit cards, others prefer online payments. Offer a few options so everyone is happy.

3. Help Ready to Go: If someone has a question, they should get help right away. A live chat or an easy-to-find phone number can make a big difference.

4. Clear Info: Make sure information about your products or services is easy to read and find. If customers have questions, they should get answers without looking too hard.

5. Check What Works: Always look at how customers use your site and find ways to make it even easier for them.

Fun Activity: Imagine you’re a customer visiting your own website for the first time. Try to buy something or use the help options like live chat or finding the contact number. Is it easy? Take notes on what's hard or slow, and think about how you can make it better. This "secret shopper" activity can give you great ideas on how to make your website super user-friendly.

Always find ways to improve

To keep your business great, always look for ways to do better. This means listening to what your customers have to say. Ask them for feedback. You can learn a lot by sending out surveys to see what they think. Watch what people buy and how they act on your website. Track how well your messages work to know how to keep making them excited. It’s also smart to see what other companies like yours are doing. The best businesses are always trying to get better.

How to Keep Improving

1. Listen to Customers: Ask them what they think and pay attention to their answers. This helps you know what to make better.

2. Watch What Works: See which of your messages make customers happy or want to buy things. Use surveys to learn more.

3. Learn from Others: Look at what other businesses are doing. There might be good ideas out there that you can use too.

4. Use Good Tools: There are tools that can help you understand what your customers like. Using them can make things better.

5. Check How You’re Doing: Every so often, look at how things are going and find ways to make them even better.

Fun Activity: Create a "Wall of Ideas" in your office or a digital board online. Whenever someone on your team or a customer suggests an improvement, add it to the wall. Each month, pick one or two ideas to try out. This way, everyone can see how you're working to make things better and be part of the improvement process. Plus, it's a fun way to get everyone involved in making your business the best it can be.

Conclusion: Build A Business They’ll Love

When people have fun, they want to stay longer. So think of your business like a giant party where you have to keep them excited so that they keep having fun. This translates directly into more sales and long-term success. Studies show that focusing on customer experience can boost revenue significantly and lead to lasting relationships. Which basically means you get to sell more stuff. If everyone loves what you are offering, they’re not just buying your product, they are also investing in an experience they want to keep on having.


Ready to Dive Deeper? If you want to take your retention strategies to the next level, check out these cool resources:

1) Klaviyo Specialist Scorecard 

2) Klaviyo Specialist Job Description  

3) Campaign flowchart 

With the right strategy, you can turn customers into lifelong fans. Check out the video to start building stronger customer relationships today!

Full Video Transcript

In this episode, we are going to cover tipsy elves and their amazing penchant for getting retention sequences. However, we also uncover a few little minor details that they might want to test (but don't take my word for it). I don't have insight into tipsy elves. We're going to go off of what they're doing and assuming that it's working exceptionally well. They're probably testing all of these things already. But let's get started. Let's dive right in.

All right, we are looking at their homepage here and I am going to reload and see if we get a popup. We might need to clear out our cookies here. We have a signup and save 20%. This is what I signed up for.

They had a spinning wheel pop up sort of a game to see what kind of a discount you could get. I have a feeling it was always 20% off, but it's a good little engagement gimmick that really helps boost the subscribe rate and I think that what they are doing here is testing, unless I can clear the cookies here to showcase that we can get that same popup when I signed up over a month ago to see where this campaign went. We're going to review that entire campaign here with you today. Alright, it looks like I've confirmed behind the scenes I was looking for my settings, cleared my cookies, and we're not getting that spinning popup, so they're testing different locations for this subscription in this field from the looks of it, which is cool to see in the wild, but luckily I have screenshots.

We can dive into those screenshots here in a little bit. Let's talk a little bit more first about what Tipsy Elves is. They, I believe we're on Shark Tank, which is a hugely popular TV show here in the United States, and I think they have some good global domination with that show too. I think it's called Tigers Den in the United Kingdom in any events, they received a lot of exposure there. They sort of have this retro look and feel to snow sports and snow sports gear, and I'm a snowboarder, I love snowboarding and I saw one of my friends wearing one of these outfits and I asked him, "Hey, what brand is that?" And he said, "tipsy elves." So I went, and this was just a month ago in January and decided to check them out and see what I wanted to order. I found something to order, but I wanted to see naturally as a marketer what they do for their funnel.

Do they have discounts in their abandoned card sequence? What's their welcome discount and more lucky for us, I recorded everything that I received over the next few weeks and you get to see all of that today. So we're going to go behind the scenes with tipsy elves without them knowing that we're reviewing their campaigns. I happen to know for a fact that their products are really top-notch and very high qualities, and their marketing team appears to be very, very much top of it, and that's exciting to see. So let's dive in and go straight over to the email messages that I received first and then we'll go over into this SMS retention sequence next.

Alright, so I just searched my inbox for Tipsy elves and you can see the sequences here. You can see that the very first thing that I received was the 20% off coupon and I started receiving several emails and messages per day.

So on January 20th I received two, January 21st, I received three January 22nd, so you can kind of get an idea of the sequence. You can pause this screen here and see that every day Tipsy Elves is sending me something. They did miss a day here. So between the 24th and 25th day five or six, I think that was, they didn't send a message and then they get back to it every couple of days and then they stop. They pause for a couple of weeks here, which I think is kind of unique and I wonder if they've tested that. They probably have, but if I were in their shoes, 

I would test trying to send something continuously every single day all the time, especially because I've conditioned the prospect here and the potential client or customer to be receiving email messages from me very, very regularly. Now, I actually think that some of this is unintentional and here's why.

When we look at this just by the subject lines, you can see there's a lot of promotions and discounts going on, and it's because when I signed up into their welcome sequence, I also inadvertently probably on purpose, maybe on the tipsy elf side, I was segmented into not only their welcome sequence, but also their regular promotion sequence. So now I'm getting a welcome sequence and a regular promotion sequence at the same time. Not only that, shortly after I got that welcome sequence, I went and added something to the cart and put my email address in the checkout again just to see what kind of abandoned cart sequence they were sending. So now I'm in three sequences and I'm not filtered out of any of them. So that's why I'm getting inundated with all of these messages often on the same day and often confused with all of these different promotions.

They are busy promoting their products. They really want me as a customer, which I didn't mind as a marketer. I really liked that. I don't know how consumers think of that all the time, but I'm a big fan as a marketer to condition people, to receive communications regularly that tell them and indicate to them that, Hey, I've always got a deal going on. That's one thing I want you as a customer and I want to do everything I can to get you as a customer. I think people like that. I think people are very much appreciative of that. And if they want to, they can mute or unsubscribe, and that's okay because I'd rather have them unsubscribe than just be inactive, never opening my email messages and clouding up and taking up resources because they haven't purchased yet. It might be a different story if once they've purchased, then I know that there's extra value there, and that is where I would be maybe a little bit more careful with my communications, maybe a little bit more tasteful to say, Hey, okay, I've won you as a customer and now I value you as my customer.

And that is a whole different mindset for marketers and marketing. So two sides to the coin there. Be aggressive with the direct response. They're not my customers yet. I want them as a customer and I want them to feel appreciated and to know that I want them as my customer. And then the other side is once they become my customer, I want them to know that I respect them, that I respect that they've spent their hard-earned money with me and that I want to continue earning their business. So it has a slightly different tone, slightly different change in pattern and sequence and both sides of that. I would test both segmentation sides. I would test with promotions, with updates, upgrades, and more as an e-commerce seller. Okay, let's dive back into this campaign here. I received the 20% off coupon. This is usually going to the homepage.

I like the animation inside of the email messages here. I think that's classy. I like how fast loading it is. I like their tone of voice as a brand. This is really cool to see. Let's click this and see where it takes us. Alright, they are using, look at this. They're telling us some information as marketers, they're using Klaviyo. So later in this video we are going to look for and try to develop a job description and a scorecard for a Klaviyo marketing specialist or a Klaviyo retention specialist. That's cool to see. Alright, so now we can see that these are their analytics tracking parameters up here. As a marketer, I always want to look at these tracking parameters just to see how I'm getting segmented as a user and it gives me clues on how I might be able to segment my own products and services.

So there's always little Bread Club crumbs from other marketers out there that we get to sort of see and dissect, you hear on YouTube, but also inside of these videos and these shorts that we're sharing, I love marketers breadcrumbs. They reveal so much. Okay, so let's take a look at this. Medium is email, of course, I just clicked inside of an email. The campaign is new email and we have the link for 20% off your order with a code. We have, it looks like we have a Klaviyo tracking ID and this might be Triple Whale to showcase Klaviyo as a attribution. I think this is what this parameter is. I'm not familiar with this parameter, so that is something I would have to look up, but I imagine that because of the word triple in there and it's source, this is Triple Whale Source. Triple Whale is a software that is amazing at e-commerce attribution, especially with Shopify stores and with Klaviyo as part of their retention sequence.

Back to the website here, we're at the homepage, you see that because we're at tipsy and then we get right into the tracking parameters after that. So we're back at the homepage with all of these discounts and more, and let's go look at the next email in the sequence. This is one of my favorite things. Oh, I need to point this out really quick. This is so cool and I think every retention specialist needs to know this tactic. Send this clip, send this video to your retention specialist or start tackling this yourselves. They have a different from address for just about every single email that they send, and some of it includes the benefits, so it showcases that they're testing things regularly and I love that some of it's personalized like Nate, but here's the key. If we hover over these, it's all from

They just changed the from address, not the actual reply to address. Hello, hello at Tipsy Elves. So it's still coming from Hello at tipsy elves. There's this changing the from parameters so that it shows up just like this. Okay, so this was cool. I love this. It shows the attitude of tipsy elves. It showcases that they noticed us. They noticed that we added something to the cart. So this is the beginning of their cart abandonment sequence. So this one here, go back to the 20% OUP coupon as a marketer, this is the beginning of the welcome sequence from what I understand. Now, this is an assumption, but I think you'll see that it's a good assumption. I have this all organized inside of a document here that I'll share with you shortly, but it's this 20% off coupon from admin at Tipsy Elves, which is really Hello at Tipsy Elves.

This was the welcome sequence. This is what I did, a spinning engagement wheel thing to submit my email address, and then it took me into submitting my phone number for SMS sequences too. But for the abandoned checkout, it's only by email because I didn't submit my phone number to that. I only submitted my email as if I were to check out with a product in my cart. So this is the email that they sent after that, so they know I was there. They know that I put something in my and they send this email a couple hours later or the next day saying, Hey, we saw you checking us out and it's side I just love that. I think that's classy. So here's just part of their brand. It's a little bit snarky and I just love it. Staring problems. We noticed you noticing us and we're kind of digging it.

That is cool. I love this messaging. I think every brand needs a tone of voice and I really love the snarky brands. I think almost every brand can lend itself to some sort of humor and this is very, very tastefully done. So well done Tipsy elves, this is so cool for the very first email in a abandoned cart sequence for a retention campaign inside of Klaviyo. Alright, so here's what I added to the cart. Okay, I wasn't sure what I added, but here it is. It's the men's skeleton snowsuit. So they're showcasing that Klaviyo does this automatically for you, which is really cool. You can include this little module inside of here. So it shows me what I was looking at and what I wanted to add. Wouldn't that be cool to snowboard down in? I just love that outfit, so awesome. So let's see what happens when we click on shop.

Now it takes us back to this. Awesome, okay, so my cart's empty because it's a month later most likely. And I also try to clear my cookies when I'm running these campaigns to see if there are any tests going on, but this is cool to see. It's taken me back to the men's black and white skeleton snowsuit and it'll let me add it to the cart again. Awesome. Very relevant, very targeted. I love that. Okay, let's close those out. Let's go back to the next email. All right, so we have a welcome sequence email, and then the same day we have an abandoned cart sequence email, and the next day we receive three things. We've received a general campaign from sale at Tipsy el, so this tells me I'm in a promotional sequence here, a regular one most likely. Here's the 20% off recap from the welcome side, and then I'm getting a third promotion, which is adding a little bit to my confusion.

Wait, there's 15% off. This I think is back to the abandoned car site. So we have side eye first and then we have fear of missing out FOMO at Tipsy elves. I love that again for their abandoned card sequence. Very, very tastefully done and I really, really like it. But let's take a look at all these messages here. So here's the second one. Inside of the welcome sequence, you can see 20% off the order, the same coupon code from the initial welcome sequence. They have a little bit of sense of humor in the party here. This is cool to see. I just love these animations. Alright, so let's go look at their regular promotions here with a 30% off Snowsuits. This is cool to see. I was looking at Snowsuits, so now I'm in this regular promotional category for Snowsuits, and this is cool to see 30% off, very, very good to see it happens to work out to $100, which gives them the $100 promotion.

Also this time they're saying Shop snowsuits. Okay, cool. All right, you get an idea of what their email is like. I like to screenshot all of these and put them into, I just use a Google flow chart or a Google chart to copy these and you can see that a lot of them are animated. Rather than go through every single email, I'll just show you the screenshots and I will give you access to the folder where I've screenshotted all of these. But I do want you to note the sequence timing here. So you can pause this screen and kind of write down, okay, day one, day two, day three, day four, day five, and so on. And we'll go from there into this chart. I'll go show you that chart right now. So here's the flow chart. I just use this Google inside of Google.

This flow chart is a lot of fun. The very first thing that I went through was this pop-up sequence. So let's zoom in and take a look at this pop-up sequence. So you can see they had a Spin to win promotion and this is just a screenshot. Luckily, most screenshots are now high definitions. So we can zoom in and out and kind of see the big picture here. This is, as you can see, the tipsy elves welcome seasonal and bonus abandoned cart retention sequences. So let's go back and zoom in to see how this started. What took me down this rabbit hole. This is the very first thing that I saw. This was animated. This was spinning and you click spin below to win up to 20% off your first order. And of course, I think they landed on 20% every time.

So I won. Enter the email below. So I did. I submitted my email and clicked view my code, which I think is a good call to action, and then it took me to this next pop-up in the sequence that said, almost done, get 20% off, sign up and we'll text you your 20% off coupon code. This is where I answered their SMS sequence and get 20% off to complete the signup. And then they told me to check my text messages and reply why to confirm the subscription. However, you'll see when we review the SMS sequence, I didn't get the why or I didn't have to confirm. I just received the code and more messages, which I thought was fine because I'm a marketer and I wanted to see that. Alright, let's back up and let's go into the email sequences that we just looked at.

So we have the seasonal or promotional sequences going on and we have the welcome sequence. So we showcase this early on and we get a coupon upgrade for 20% and free shipping now. So the code changes and then, oops, it looks like I screenshot my hover over this image because this is an image instead of just text, which I think is an interesting choice by tipsy elves. I would try to make this all text just to make sure that we're inboxing a little bit more. However, they're probably inboxing just fine. They're big brands, they're healthy brands, they don't have deliverability issues like smaller brands might have. And in that case I do like to try to see text here where possible. But this was a cool touch. It showcases a personal, an individual who is reaching out to this, the customer service. So this is Nate saying, Hey, you know what, here, take another 15% off, or excuse me, this says use your 15% off code, but it says created a single use 25% off coupon for you.

So there's a little bit of confusion in the messaging here, 25% off and 15% off it definitely would need updated just a little tiny, tiny mistake inside of their sequence, but that's okay because they're rocking the marketing side. All right, let's go down and look at this other part of the email sequence. The seasonal promotions, the 30% off snow suits, a hundred dollars off snow suits, and then we get a Valentine's Day promotion, and then we have a sitewide surprise, and this matches up with the SMS sequences too. So this was really cool to see. I'll showcase that to you here in just a moment. And of course, the bonus sequence is the side staring problems, email, say no to fear of missing out free shipping on all orders. And then Nate again saying, Hey, I really shouldn't be doing this customer service rep from Nate.

He's probably getting a lot of email responses back with this. I think this is awesome to see Nate from customer service. All right, let's zoom out and let's look at the SMS sequence. So I will stay zoomed out here. So you can see at the end of the SMS sequence, the last one that I received before waiting for two weeks to receive another promotion was this animated limited time scarcity driven 100 available per promo code, and that matches up with this email message right here. So that was very tastefully done. Klaviyo makes that really, really easy. Here's the sequence. I'm going to go through this on my phone here in just a moment. So I'm just going to blaze through this really quick just to show you what this looks like. You will have access to, this'll share it somewhere on this page in the description and you should be able to see this and be able to review this and zoom in and fly around it at your convenience.

Alright, let's go to the mobile phone and take a look at this SMS sequence from tipsy elves. What I'm looking at here shows when I subscribed to Tipsy Elves on a Saturday in the afternoon, I receive a welcome message. As you can see here, it's telling me the message and data rates apply. Of course, that's fine. And then it gives me the welcome sequence, the welcome 20 code to unlock 20% off, and the copywriting here looks really good. Let's see where this takes us, the link that's in that text message and we go to the homepage. I think that's where we go for the rest of this sequence is that homepage. But this is interesting. The next day on a Sunday, I received two messages. It turns out that when I opted into the welcome sequence, I also opted into their regular promotions. So what I'm seeing here is that I get a hundred dollars off all snow suits and that sales started today on that Sunday that I received this.

So let's go look at that landing page and see where they take us with that messaging. And this is good. It takes me to the snowsuit page with the discount already applied, which is really cool to see. So we have the save 100. There's some that say save $135. It looks like the code is already applied, but perhaps this is a regular promotion that they're sending or running regularly. But what's interesting is at first I thought it was good that they messaged twice on a Sunday, but then I realized the next message is sort of conflicting. It's going back into the welcome sequence with the 20% off coupon. And I was looking at these messages wondering, well hold up, do I get a hundred dollars off plus 20%? I never really applied it to see if it would accept both discounts, but I don't imagine that they do.

I think there's one spot for a coupon code and not for multiple coupon codes in any event. Now I can see as a marketer, I'm in two sequences, but I doubt that a regular customer would see this as two separate sequences. They would see this as the same sequence getting messaged again and again and again. So we see it again on Tuesday, January 23rd in this instance. So two days later we are sent a free shipping offer and we also get a customer support. Hey, get 25% off instead to try them out. So this is sort of a win back campaign that I've now been entered into and this is an abandoned cart campaign. So the first time that I visited the website, I did the little spin game and got the 20% off coupon code sent to me. And then because that opted me in, I started getting regular promotions.

That's the $100 per off for snowsuits. And then I went and I added something to the cart to snowsuit to the cart, I started receiving abandoned cart sequences and for that I get 25% off. So now I have this mixed messaging going on. I have a welcome sequence for 20%. I have the here, I'll highlight in the text messages, the 20% off, and then I have the $100 off snowsuits regular promotion going on, and now I'm starting to get abandoned cart sequences going on. So I'm getting all of these messages and it's overwhelming a little bit as a regular consumer, I liked how aggressive this was as a marketer, but I can see how there might be some confusion going on for tipsy elves clients or customers here with all these messages, the messages, these mixed messages. At the same time, if somebody's a promotional buyer, they might see something that catches their eye and actually buy from it.

So I don't know how this is going for tipsy elves, but I would be interested to see and to better understand how this is helping sales, especially if they could segment out the welcome sequence versus the regular promotional cycle and only send the welcome sequence or use logic and conditionals to just take me out of the welcome sequence and only send abandoned car sequences if they've seen the products that I want to add to the cart or to purchase, or if they've received my email address as submitted inside of the cart as if I were to check out right when I abandoned, that would be closer to me. I think that would work better to temporarily remove me from the welcome sequence and just get me into the abandoned cart sequence because I've already taken a look and gone through the website at that point.

So that would be the closest to me as a consumer I think, and I imagine that that would produce really good results for them. But this way is probably working. I'm a huge fan of more messages is better. In this case, they really pulled that off. I actually thought it was pretty tasteful. I liked the personalization like Julie from customer support here. I thought that was a good call. This one was a lot of fun. So shortly after that, a few days later on a Sunday, so this had about a four or five day wait, I received an animated gif. I really liked that it popped when I saw it in my message pop up notification saying I had a message and it's a flash code sale. I really think this is tastefully done as a promotion for e-commerce and they have scarcity inside of here with the only 100 available inside of this message here.

So only 100 available of each of these codes, and then they follow it immediately with a message that explains that animated messaging and that animated promotion, limited codes flash sale, save 30% or 20% or 15% off sitewide, use the codes in the image above at checkout. Hurry, each code is limited to 100 uses each. So this makes me feel like, oh, this was blasted to everybody. I have to move quick. Let's go. Let's get this done. This is going to be crazy. That creates excitement. It gets a big flash sale going on. I imagine if they did send this out as part of their regular promotional sequence that they got a lot of sales on this Sunday. So this is a very cool method to see for any e-commerce providers out there or any e-commerce sellers out there use a flash sale like this. I think it would add a little bit to the bum line if you use discounts.

Alright, then they get into bribery and they're giving me 30% off my order at this point. This still seems like a abandoned cart type of a sequence here, and we're going back to an abandoned current sequence here February 16th. So they go quiet here and I wonder why. So the last message I received was January 28th. I received three of them that day. The animated GIF here, the explanation along with it, and another bribery time. So getting mixed messages again all within the same day. And it is interesting to me to see that and I wonder how that works. I do like sending multiple messages per day. I think that's a very, very awesome tactic to use, especially if you can teach your prospective clients or customers that you're going to send those messages regularly. I think that's a good thing to start off that way because it means you're appreciated that you want their business and that is a good feeling for people.

I think for the most part, I think people enjoy that. Alright, and then they wait a couple of weeks, almost two weeks, exactly. They wait and send another message. It looks like an abandoned cart trying to give me another 10% off. The messaging here says we saw you eyeing some items. So that tells me it's an abandoned card sequence. As a marketer, as a consumer, I wouldn't know that. I might either think that's creepy or Hey, you know what, I kind of like that. That's cool. Yeah, I was viewing your website, I get it. And then we have the regular promotion again going on, just received this message a few days ago, and that would've been toward the end of February, so this was almost another 10 days or so. So the first few days I'm getting two messages per day and then it slows down to every two weeks roughly, and I wonder why that precedent of getting so many messages initially, I personally enjoy probably because I was a marketer, maybe regular customers won't enjoy that, but that's where you have to test everything that you're trying in a campaign, especially in a retention campaign, it is so important to test frequency.

You're not going to alienate your customers by sending them more messages which showcase that you care. I think that's a good thing to do and to try but to drop off and go to every two weeks, that tells me that either tipsy elves has tested this and they do not get more sales by continuing the frequency of messages after day 10 or so, day nine or so, and then they need to go to every two weeks or they simply don't have sequences that go on beyond that. And I think that it's a good thing to have a retention marketer builds you some sequences that go at least 90 days, if not 120 days out, and have that cycle and that segmentation based on usage of the website. If all of that sounds too technical, then it's worthwhile to hire somebody to do that. And if you stick with me here later in this video, I will showcase a job description and a scorecard for a retention email marketing specialist that can help you do something like this, setting up this type of an SMS sequence.

Okay, so one of the biggest questions that I run into here is, well, how can I do this myself? And the best thing that you can do for yourself is go find an email service provider like Klaviyo. That's what Tipsy Elves is using here. We'll go to their website here real quick. It's just and they make it really easy. I think they have a free pricing tier I highly recommend. Oh, nope. Oh yeah, they do right here. Free pricing. They just moved it around from left to right. Now. That might be a campaign for us to review at some point. Not today, probably not tomorrow, not anytime soon. In any event, there's a free plan so that you can start playing around with it and getting used to it and learning it yourself. It shouldn't cost you anything but time, but if you don't have time, that's where my company comes in.

That's one reason that I am making these videos. I don't want to hide it. I am the founder of an outsourcing company and we like to make it easy to find specialists like a Klaviyo specialist. If you're in that phase of your company where you're scaling a lot, you have a marketing manager in place and they've run out of time, they don't have time to build this type of an advanced sequence and constantly optimize it and even more build like 120 day sequence and continuously optimize that for the maximum return on investment retention is massive. If you are not getting 40% of your revenue from sequences like this, that's a best practice in the industry for the e-commerce industry. So as an e-commerce store owner, if you are not achieving 40% of your revenue from a retention sequence like this, then you'll want to take a look at adding a specialist or investing more time into this.

Like I said, you can do this starting for free. So if you're just starting out in e-commerce or you have a small shop, go ahead and add this. It doesn't cost much, and if you don't have it, you'll see your revenue probably nearly double because if 40% of your revenue should be coming from retention, it means you're leaving that much on the table. If you're a smaller shop, or even if you're a large shop and you're still not implementing something as robust as what Tipsy Elves has here, it would be a good idea to have your marketing team look at this because it is low hanging fruit. You can win and make money, A lot of money with retention marketing tactics like this. Okay. All right, so back to the question we get besides how do we get this going for ourselves? Check out Klaviyo.

They have a ton of training there. This isn't an email marketing video to show you how to, but Klaviyo will show you how to, they make it so easy to sign up. Other services do too. MailChimp is a good one, even though there's some bias against it from marketers that I've noticed, but I actually think it's a great platform. I think businesses and small businesses and e-commerce businesses and main street shops should be using something like MailChimp. Klaviyo is a little bit more robust and has a little bit more advanced features. However, I think MailChimp has caught up, if not maybe even matched what Klaviyo is doing these days. There are other services out there you can search for them, but those would be my top two recommendations at the moment. Alright, if you want to hire a specialist, you can go anywhere. You don't have to use my company.

I'm just a huge fan of blessing lives overseas, so that's what I love to do and that's the whole purpose of my company is to try to bring jobs to countries that can not only fulfill on it, but also help create jobs domestically where marketing managers get a little bit more freedom but also produce an ROI that's bigger than themselves and bigger than adding a specialist to the team. And that's a good thing. We've seen jobs increase on both sides domestically and overseas with adding specialists to a team. Alright, let's go over the scorecard first. This is a scorecard template. You can copy and paste it. You can copy it I believe from Google Docs here and recreate your own. I like to create a role scorecard because this is how I will measure results. The job description really doesn't tell me how to measure results.

It tells me how to manage or measure a candidate to see if they're qualified for the job. The scorecard is where I like to start every single time when hiring people because it gives me the metrics that I want somebody to own. It also helps with onboarding. When somebody onboards into this position, this is one of the first things that I like to show them to showcase, okay, this is what this company agreed to, this is how you're going to get measured and this is what your performance will be based off of and what's your role and your rate and responsibilities will be based off of. So let's dive into this. This is a high level scorecard. You can add more to this, but I always like to add a mission statement for every role and this case, it's drive company growth or revenue growth through Klaviyo flow build outs, segmentation and technical optimization.

These are the expected outcomes, improved blended return on ad spend, and that means ad spend and investment inside of a retention software. That covers email and text message campaigns. Now the reason why I put to be determined percent, that's based on the goals and needs of the company. So if we're selling jet engines online, which is highly unlikely, then this percentage, the conversion rate percentage is probably really, really low because we're talking millions of dollars per purchase. But if we're selling toothpicks or friendship bracelets, then that ticket price is probably a lot lower than a rocket engine or a jet engine, and that conversion rate should be significantly higher because of the lower barrier to entry and the lower purchase price. So I left that variable to you so that you can adjust it, but this is where your metrics come into play. If you don't know where to start, then you might need to tell this person, tell this specialist, Hey, we're just starting out here and we don't know what the baseline will be.

We need you to create the baseline and then we'll come back to this role scorecard in a month or two and set goals together to better define where this role is going and where to take the company. Alright, another outcome is to improve average order values. This will help contribute, it's a contributor to return on ad spend if the average order value coming from email and SMS as an attribution path or as another revenue channel is added to your store. So improving average order values means trying to increase the value of every order that comes through email or SMS. And again, we have targets to be determined by campaign requirements. For example, I might set up metrics or expected metrics or I would search for expected metrics for win back campaigns or cart abandonment campaigns and flows and sequences versus welcome flows and sequences. I would set different targets depending on the campaign because those requirements and those audiences are different.

One of the biggest different audiences that you'll see, and we talked about it earlier in this video, is the difference between winning a customer over from purchasing for the first time versus a sequence to those who have already become customers. Those will have different targets and different metrics based on average order values and more. And of course you always have to have a benchmark, so you kind of have to go out, put yourself out into the world with promotions and start looking at, okay, this month our average order value is this for this segmented audience, now we need to adjust. Here's the target, here's the new target. Optimize toward that target and grow the revenue there. Alright, I expect this specialist to use data-driven optimization and growth tactics. Do some research, find other campaigns that are winning, do exactly what we did in this video by going and looking at tipsy elves or our competitors or other industries and getting ideas and showing that, hey, this is something that somebody else is doing and it looks like it could work for us.

Let's try our version of it and create something totally unique because we do not like to clone exactly, because audiences vary so much. Even if it's a competitor, we will not and should not clone their exact campaign. We need to do it our own way because our audience will react differently. But we can get ideas from competitors and I love doing that. And then of course, contribute to documentation and the knowledge base so that we can scale. We don't want to go through a failure and not learn from it. Failure is just another word for education. That's what I always tell my team and it's something that I love to share. Rather than say failure, sometimes I'll say, Hey, okay, we received an education, so what? Let's learn from it, write it down, and let's either not repeat it or let's figure out a new way forward.

We've got this. We can continue to learn because we also get that same education and sometimes even more valuable from the successes that we document and write down and it helps our team scale. Eventually you will hopefully have an entire retention team, somebody covering design, somebody covering tracking and technical and segmentation and somebody covering landing pages and conversion rate optimization and more. And copywriting. I mean you can have an entire team over retention and that can scale quite a bit. Alright, so here are the skills required. Analytics of course, data-driven decisions, creativity, email marketing experience, SMS marketing platform experience. In this case Klaviyo, we definitely need logic as one of their strengths because we want to segment our audiences out as much as possible while still leaving enough of an audience there so that we can get significant results. And of course e-commerce experience. We're looking for people with experience here because usually we don't have time to train up on here's how to use Klaviyo, but we do have time to train up on here's how we like to work, here's how our company likes to work, here are the past promotions we've run and here's what's worked.

Here are the segments that we've seen work for us and more. That's the type of stuff that we want to train on versus platforms. Okay, here are the core skills, excuse me, this will be competencies required to accomplish the outcomes for this role expected

And to be a good company culture match for us. We need this role or this individual to be strategic thinking. Analytical, have very much attention to detail. We saw that earlier in the video with a 25% subject line and the 15% button is a little bit different, right? Attention to detail, that's a big one. Proactivity. You can see that whoever is managing the tipsy elves campaign is extremely proactive and I think that is awesome to see. Column under pressure, high standards, good communicator and logical. And something that I always look for when hiring any marketer is I always look for a portfolio. I want to see the results. I want to know the complex flows that you've created in a retention capacity. And if this isn't there, then I'm likely going to continue interviewing until I see that myself. Alright, so from this scorecard that you can copy for yourself, we create a job description and this is another template that you can use. Just replace company name and maybe add a few of your brand qualities inside of here. But the key to this is what will this person do? They're going to develop and implement email and SMS marketing strategies to drive engagement, retention and revenue growth. That's the number one thing. This very closely matches the role mission here.

And then we get into more of the task driven side of things, create compelling email and SMS campaigns that match our brand guidelines. Use segmentation, do AB testing, monitor and analyze performance. Stay current with email and SMS trends. This is where we talk about getting ideas, writing documentation down, collaborate with other team members, go collaborate with the ads manager, go collaborate with SEL, find out what's working and collaborate together to create an ultimate marketing pattern or create a marketing plan that will succeed. And then of course, compliance. Compliance is big in the email and SMS marketing side of things. It's big all over the world, so you'll want to make sure that you're obeying the laws and the rules for email and SMS campaigns anywhere that you're marketing inside in the world. Okay? All right. And the person should have at least two plus years of experience.

I'm a huge fan of hiring for experience. I think experience-based people a lot of value to the team, but they also kind of shortcut your way to success because you don't have to spend time on mistakes. You don't have to spend money on mistakes or as many mistakes. You don't have to spend time and money on training in a platform and you immediately add to your team somebody who knows the platform and can start getting it to work for you right away. And of course, always the portfolio to prove it. This is one of the big ones, a ken eye for detail and accuracy. So I always include a little bullet point or something somewhere in here. I just kind of seed a job description with a little request, and that is to include some sort of a key word in the cover letter or in their resume to showcase attention to detail. You would be surprised how many people miss this detail and they get excluded from the job because I want somebody who is reading and paying attention to detail. That's one of our culture matches here, and I like to perpetuate that culture. So I always like to include some sort of a keyword where I can and determine their attention to detail based off of that.

It is very rarely an exception if they have a killer portfolio that showcases attention to detail. Maybe they're busy in their current work. I am a little bit of forgiving on this, but very, very rarely am I forgiving on this, but I do allow some people through, if they didn't catch this in the first round, maybe they were on a 15 minute break, had a resume letter ready and wanted to submit it, and they're rock stars, but they're busy, right? Sometimes you have to give people that and just talk to them and see how they do with the process as you interview them and bring them in. Okay, because we're hiring over in the Philippines, I do like to say it can work in the US time zone graveyard shifts in the Philippine time and overlap our time in the US by four hours, but this applies anywhere domestically.

I like to have whoever I'm working with overlap my time by a few hours so that we can talk and collaborate. All right? And then we add benefits and a call to action to apply today and join our team. You should be able to find this description somewhere on this page and a link to it so that you can copy and paste it and use it for yourself. Alright? I think we've prepped you for creating a successful retention sequence or retention flow strategy with email on SMS. Tipsy Elves really are a world-class brand and I think their marketing team are World-class. I was really excited to see their campaign in action and to be able to put this together for this video. So I hope it's as useful to you as it is to me to go through this type of a campaign, and I'd love to hear more from you.

If you're watching this video and you have a campaign or you've seen a campaign in the wild, then I should go check out and review on this channel. Please let me know. And as always, don't forget to subscribe and click that button to alert you when new episodes come out. Oh my goodness, I almost forgot to share the email SMS Retention Project brief with you. This is the brief that will help you close the loop and get your Klaviyo retention specialist off in the right direction as soon as you onboard them into your team. Or you can take this brief and use it for yourself to build out something similar to what Tipsy Elves has done as a masterclass in sequences and making people feel like they're loved and that they want them as a customer. Alright, and I'm recording this next day because I completely forgot to include this in my initial recording, so we can call this the bonus round if you want.

The way that I like to operate is I like to operate with a mini framework for everything that I do, for everything that I hand off to somebody else or even for my own projects. And the reason why I like to do this is because I want to be able to scale in the future. And this framework is really simple. It's simply this plan, brief, certify, execute, and then debrief. Now we're in the planning phase here, and that's what this project brief is building out is the plan. As a leader, I want to always hand a detailed plan off to my team so that they know what to expect. We're going to walk through this right now and showcase to you exactly how I like to build a project brief out. After I hand this off, I like to ask questions. That's the certify phase.

I want to ask my team members questions to make sure they understand the concepts, they understand the workflow, they understand what I expect them to do and to build out for me so that I can audit and review and have a debrief after they've implemented this with them. And I will also know by asking questions how closely aligned they are to my vision. Did I miss something in this brief? Am I missing a huge part of the vision? Did I provide enough examples? Have I provided adequate information by certifying? It helps clear up any misconceptions or any missed details that I probably forgot as a leader or a manager to provide to my team? That's the whole point of certification. Alright, so let's dive right in to what this brief looks like. This brief is to help us build, and we have that in the goal here to help us build the welcome seasonal or promotional and abandoned cart retention sequences or flows and do that for our own brand.

So you can copy this, we should be able to find the documents somewhere around this message or this video and use this and copy it for yourself. I've made this sort of in template form giving you access, I think to every one of the documents inside here so that you can build this out for yourself and make it work. Alright, so we have the retention sequences. I should probably change this flows the retention flows project for e-Commerce Restore. This can be for your brand, for a client brand, however you want to do this. What's the timeline? I put eight weeks here. If you have a lot of bandwidth, you can change that timeline, but this timeline is general for now because what I want people to do is I want them to roll out these flows as soon as practical throughout this timeline. So I am hoping that we have all of them done and implemented and rolled out in production and live by eight weeks from now, but I'm hoping to get updates throughout the week. So we might add that to this timeline or we might get more specific. In this case, I would hand this off to my team and ask them, please fill out the timeline with your major milestones. In fact, let's put that here. Please fill out this timeline because this is a shared document with your major milestones and timing here.

This will help the whole team get on the same page and we can review this document after everybody has done that. Alright, so what's the goal and objective? We need three Klaviyo email. SMS flows with correct customer segmentation for this project to be considered a success, a welcome flow that flows out over 10 days. A card abandonment flow that covers 10 days and an ongoing promotional flow covering 120 days. Now this can just mean sending an email and SMS message twice per week, or this can be a daily for 120 days. Just keep telling people until they convert. So we might want to make a note here. Where should we make this note? Let's put it in our notes for now. Remove customers from these flows as needed or as segmented out. For example, remove a new customer from the welcome or cart abandonment flow, but keep the regular promotional flow going for them. Okay?

All right, so we may need to segment out further depending on what the customer purchases. Okay, so that's in the notes. All right, so this is the overall goal and objective, these three flows, email and SMS inside, both of them covering the next 120 days when we very first get somebody's email address. Alright, the example, if a goal or objective is achieved, we go over the flow chart. This is a little mini screenshot of what the flow chart looks like. I've attached it here in the brief and I've added the note that this showcases screenshots and starting flow styles that we would like to get inspiration from for our goals. One of the biggest things that I like to always tell my team members is let's not clone anybody. Let's get inspired from them and make things our own and apply them with our brand voice and our brand guidelines.

We try not to clone anybody, but we do love to take ideas and mash them up with our own and get inspired from them. Alright, who is this project for? The audience brief will go here. Here's an example of who our audience is at Specialist pH. However, we are more on the lead generation side and less on the e-commerce side. I would expect and hope that as an e-commerce store owner or agency e-commerce agency, you will take this brief and apply it and use it with your e-commerce audience in mind. But the question is, who is it for? And the answer is going to be the audience, the target audience, not the project managers or the project leads of the project. This is for the target audience of these flows. That's always what I'm looking for here is audience and who is it for? What resources are available to accomplish this task?

We'll say that we have a project manager in house already. That could be you. That could be the CEO, that could be the marketing manager. Whoever in your organization is building this brief. This can go here as the resource. And if you're starting from scratch, these are the resources that are needed. Now, if you already have some of these, you can move them up or just copy and paste them up into the resources that are available now to accomplish this task. So here are the resources that are needed to accomplish this project or this task. You'll need a Klaviyo retention specialist, a Klaviyo account with accounts set up. You'll need a copywriter or copywriting time. You'll need a graphic artist or their time and developer time for installing Klaviyo and other analytics tracking scripts so that you can get your segmentation right. This is definitely a key role or a key piece to this. Okay, what are the roadblocks? I don't know that there are any roadblocks at the moment, but, so I'll ask my team to add

What they think they will run into here. So please add the roadblocks you might foresee in this task project so we can address them in our certify phase. Now, hopefully you'll have told your team that you're going to certify their knowledge and their understanding and review this document after they've vetted it to make sure that they're thinking of everything that you've thought of, everything that everybody's on the same page. Okay? That's the certified phase where you're asking questions, what are the steps to accomplish this task? We're going to follow this workflow. It's a great marketing workflow that they, I like to use. It's research copywriting, compliance production, distribution optimization. This is more on the project management side. We have two workflows that we're working with here now. We have plan, brief, certify, execute, and debrief, which is sort of an overall overarching principle and flip workflow to use all the time.

And then within marketing, we have this workflow that is about research, copywriting, compliance, production, distribution, and optimization. So these are the high level steps that I wrote out, but I would expect my team to fill in the gaps. Team, please fill in the gaps in these steps. Alright, so step zero is review the research in the flow chart linked above, under examples if the goal is achieved. So everyone is on the same page regarding if we were to take screenshots of our own workflows, it should look and feel similar to that in a flow chart form after the project. That's the goal here. So step one is going to be, Hey, copywriter, write the copywriting and the words for each of these flows. Step two is, Hey, let's go talk to legal, or let's review what we know and understand. Even though we're not lawyers, that's a risk that we might take it for a small enough team.

We might say, okay, we think this complies with everything and we're going to make sure that Klaviyo helps us comply with any CAN spam or SMS requirements. We might lean on them or we might need to go find somebody to review this for us and help us. That is what I recommend, is always make sure that you have legal covered. If you don't, then you definitely run that risk yourself. So for purposes here, I would say, make sure you have legal covered. Alright. Step three is once all the copywriting is approved, we send it to the graphics specialists and the Klaviyo Retention Specialists. So while the graphics are being created and animated for some of those graphics, the Klaviyo Retention person is building these flows and ready to insert those graphics as soon as they're approved and done. Okay, so I have a list of assets required here.

We need a pop-up graphics for the pop-up that collects email addresses on the website. We need email message graphics. We need animated gifs or gifs. I don't know how you want to say it, but I say gifs, animated gifs for email and SMS, and we're going to need the flows, the segments, and the logic for all of that. Inside this step, we will also send Klaviyo segmentation or tracking requirements to a developer to install and test that. Sometimes we can do that ourselves if we're familiar enough with the e-commerce platform that we are using. Alright, step 3.5 is test everything thoroughly. Everything that the graphic specialist, the Klaviyo Retention Specialists, and the developer have done. Make sure everybody is testing each other and going through these flows to make sure that everything is in place and accurate and functional before rolling it live, before taking it into production.

As they say, step four is go live. Step five is create an optimization plan. You might wait a week or two to see what kind of data you're getting throughout your entire flow and flow system before you start optimizing and testing so that you at least have a baseline base metrics to go off of. And you can set goals and optimization ideas based off of bottlenecks and maybe some trouble spots or slow spots in the customer's journey. And that covers it. That's the basics. Behind the brief, we answer the basic questions of what is the timeline? What is the goal or objective? What are examples of the goal or objective? If this project is achieved, who is this for? That's the target audience. What resources are available to accomplish this task? What resources are needed to accomplish this task? What are the roadblocks to completing this? And what are the steps to take to accomplish this task? I hope this brief helps. I hope this template helps get you on track to setting up the best and the most effective retention flows that you can for your e-Commerce Store. Thank you for watching. Bye.

James Zolman
Specialist PH Content Writer
CEO @ Specialist.PH, Board Member, and a hobby mechanic (Current project: 1976 pickup truck)
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