Deconstructing the Secrets Of Success Homepage & Building Your Own

Understanding the Secrets of Success Homepage and Building Your Own

Have you heard of Russell Brunson's new program, Secrets of Success? It's based on the famous ideas of Napoleon Hill and promises to help people make big changes in their lives. Before signing up, let's take a closer look at their website,, to see what makes it good and what could be improved. This can help you understand similar websites and even build your own someday!

Learning from Secrets of Success:

We'll explore how the website looks, what story it tells, and how easy it is to understand. We'll find things they do well, things they could do better, and tips you can use for your own projects.

Making Your Own Success Formula:

We won't just look at Secrets of Success; we'll use what we learn to help you build your own personal development program website! Learn how to:

  • Clearly explain what your program offers: Make sure everyone knows exactly what they'll get from joining your program.
  • Use pictures and videos that grab attention: Show people what your program is like and make them want to learn more.
  • Make it easy for people to find what they need: Help people navigate your website smoothly so they can easily sign up.

By the end, you'll have:

  • A good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Secrets of Success homepage.
  • Practical tips for making your own homepage that gets people excited about your program.
  • Valuable lessons in design and communication that you can use for any project.

Important Note: This analysis only focuses on the design of the Secrets of Success homepage and general tips for building personal development program websites. It doesn't say anything about whether the program itself is good or not.

Hiring a recruiter

Building a program like Secrets of Success takes a great team! This section will help you get started by learning how to hire the right people.

Your First Hire: A Recruiting Specialist

The first person you should hire is a Recruiting Specialist. Here’s what they’ll do for you:

  • Write awesome job descriptions that attract the perfect candidates for your program.
  • Do the first interviews to find the most promising people.
  • Keep track of all the information about each candidate.
  • Recommend the best person for each job, making sure they fit in well with your team and have the skills you need.

Finding the Right Fit

The Recruitment Specialist will report to the Marketing Strategist and help them reach their goals. Their main job is to find enough qualified candidates for each open position. For Secrets of Success, that means finding people for 5 or 6 different jobs, like graphic designer, operations manager, copywriter, and video editor.

Qualities of a Great Recruitment Specialist:

  • Good at talking to people: They need to build relationships with both the candidates and the people hiring them.
  • Pay attention to details: They'll be looking for the best person for each job, so they need to be good at noticing important things.
  • Organized: Keeping track of all the candidates can be tricky, so they need to be good at staying organized.
  • Loves their work and gets things done: They should be excited about your program and take initiative to find the best people.
  • Can handle feedback: They need to be open to hearing what others think and learn from their mistakes.
  • Can talk clearly and explain things well: They need to be able to tell you why they think a candidate is a good fit for your team.

More Than Just a Job Description:

Hiring a Recruitment Specialist isn't just about finding someone with the right skills on paper. Here are some extra things to think about:

  • Show and tell: Ask candidates to tell you about their past successes and how they find the best people for jobs.
  • Culture fit is important: Make sure the person you hire

Full Video Transcript

Alright, today we have secrets of This is another Russell Brunson creation. He has a business partner on this that is helping him. I believe his name is Justin. And today I'm going to go over just the homepage design and story and experience to dissect it and maybe discuss certain things to possibly test or things that I might take away from it in this niche, so to speak, and possibly turn this into something that I might have a team tackle if I wanted to create a similar homepage or a page on my own website. That's one thing that I believe in, is helping enable others to source good, tough digital marketing work to other people. And I want to try to help enable others to do that. So let's get started.

All right. The very first thing that I see when I get here is the headline Experience, daily Breakthroughs with the Secrets of Success Newsletter. Okay, this is nice and broad. And then we have the subhead Transform Your Life in just two minutes a day. Sounds good to me. I sign up, so I'll send me my email address. We'll do that here in just a moment. But I also like the little explainer here. Each morning you'll receive an email inspired by success philosophers like Napoleon Hill, Orson Sweat, Martin lc, Lincoln Benedict, and more. Then we have a call to action here, subscribe free and an email submit area here, and a little testimonial. We don't know who this testimonial is from. And then of course we have Russell Brunson pictured here with some sort of a book and not sure exactly what book that is at the moment, but Russell Brunson is very well known in the ClickFunnels world and in the click Funnel circle.

I do wonder sometimes if he's known outside of that, he definitely has very wide reach. So he probably is known outside of the ClickFunnels Circle by quite a bit. He does a lot of advertising. Personally, I think Russell is probably one of the greatest internet marketers of our time and really, really excited to be reviewing this. Overall. You'll find that my reviews are going to be generally positive. That's because I have a lot to learn as a marketer, and I think that something that inspires these videos is the fact that the more campaigns you review, the more components of a campaign that you review, the better marketer you become trying to understand the why behind something, even if you don't understand it. So you'll find to me, questioning a lot. That's simply because I do not understand if you know the why behind any of these campaign materials or the why behind these headlines, or possibly you've seen a test version there that I haven't seen yet.

I'm always interested in learning more about it. For now, I think that the audience here, just kind of knowing how I came across this page, is definitely followers of Russell Brunson. People who know him already and are familiar with his name, which granted are likely millions of people as far as subscribers to ClickFunnels. There's a hundred thousand plus, from what I understand, maybe even 150 to 200,000. That's why I say within that circle, he's definitely very well known by a couple hundred thousand people. And that is massive, massive, massive success in the internet world. To get that couple hundred thousand subscribers, he's had to advertise to millions upon millions upon millions of people and have a list size probably in the millions. So not discounting Russell's ability to be well-known among millions one bit. He has done it. I not, I don't intend to, I don't want to be that spokesperson or that character for anybody.

But let's kind of dive right in and start picking apart the components. I'm just going to try to do a stream of thought here. I haven't really prepared too much. I have a few templates that I'll prepare later in this discovery session, if you will. And so one of the very first things I think of is, okay, I know that people who know Russell Brunson are coming here, but to reach a cold audience with this, which Russell's really good at, there are a few things that cold audiences need right out of the gate. They need high trust factors. A cold audience is somebody who doesn't know or isn't aware of Russell Brunson at all. So I don't know that this homepage is designed for that. I would question that. However, I do think that Russell isn't mentioned up here, but you do have these general success secrets types of people and authors mentioned up here.

So I think that it could convert at least on the newsletter side as a cold funnel to get people to sign up for an email, to build an email list, which I think is a good thing a lot of people want. So this is where I see, and my brain immediately goes here is when I see breakthrough and secrets of success, I think self-improvement right away. And if I'm looking for other opportunities to increase my own newsletter, and if I'm in that space, if I'm looking at the success space or the self-improvement space, I'm going to want to start Googling right away. So I will go full screen here and let's start Googling right out of the gate. I want to know who else is running a success newsletter. So let's do Success newsletter. Very simple. Okay, so there's, that makes sense. We have some how to guides customer success. Brian Tracy. Okay, I happen to know that he's big in this space. If I didn't know that, I would be clicking into just about all of these. Think, learn, succeed. That sounds like a personal improvement website. So I will take a look at that. We have Success Magazine newsletters.

Let's continue looking.

So what I'm looking for is I'm looking for people and I'm looking for funnels and funnel ideas here because as a marketer, I'm trying to understand Russell's homepage here. Why is it designed the way that it is? Or is he targeting an audience that I don't know about yet? And chances are he is, he not only has his loyal audience, but his audience is smart enough in a lot of cases to target multiple audiences with one single page and try to achieve multiple objectives with a single page. Although the focus of this page is clear that it's going after an email address. Alright, let's go back to the Google results. So here's Secrets of Success already Ranking for Success newsletter. So that's awesome to see on the organic side. All right, let's try some of these names like Napoleon Hill Newsletter. Here's the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Let's go look at them. Nightingale, let's look at this. They're publishers. All right, let's look at a few of these others. Maybe we can go a little bit more broad. Who to follow and personal improvement, success, industry, personal development influencers. We have Isaiah sharing some things. Top 39, top 16,

Let's go. Let's go to this Legends and personal development. Several of these people have passed. Let's look at what we're looking for here. All right, so we can be Googling every single one of these names

And I'll pick a few. So we'll do Steven Covey, he probably has a newsletter landing page somewhere. Jim Ron, look up his Z Ziglar. Okay. Alright, we have several to look up here. We'll start with Steven Covey. Let's actually go back to Success Newsletter as a query here on Leadership Newsletter. Perfect. Alright, let's go to all Jim Ron on, and then

Let's do the L Carnegie. We have training. Alright. Oh, this is Malaysia. Let's find just a top level. Look at that. Dale. Carnegie's Secrets of success. Interesting. So we have a download page here. Okay, this is good enough for us to sort of digest and see what else is out there.

So it's very straightforward. There isn't really anything, any crazy hook. They list the benefits of this ebook. It's an ebook. Oh, that's interesting. It's not something to send or ship. Tell you what you'll learn with it, why you need it. So there's one paragraph. So when I see one paragraph in a section like this for why you need it, I'm assuming deep familiarity with Dale Carnegie and his way of doing things. If somebody weren't familiar with it, I would say this page is specifically not designed for a cold audience. There aren't a lot of details here. And we can go look at Russell Brunson's page here to see that. Also, I have scrolled through that page before, but let's look at the information they're going for. First name, last name, job title, organization, city, state. Okay. So they're looking for a lot of information here to download this, but it does look like it's free, which is awesome. Okay, let's look at this one. Franklin Covey. This was from Googling the Stephen Covey side. Franklin Covey on leadership series weekly videos to help you become a better leader. Okay, that's a pretty general headline. They want a lot of information. That's one thing that I think Russell gets right, is he just gets a little bit and then builds a lot of trust.

Alright? And again, this is assuming familiarity. Ooh, I like this. This is not a assuming familiarity in my opinion. One free book, a few minutes of your time, life-changing results. Yes, I want this free book. Wow. And then it goes into articles. Interesting. And then shopping and then, so a few testimonials. Wow. So this is the only piece about this ebook. This is interesting. Let's go look at this page and then we get sort of the title of the book, how to use a journal. Okay, so he's all about journaling. That's awesome. Alright, so just a little bit of information, but it is designed because it's free, I suppose. I don't expect a lot of information here, but it does explain why and gets back to the basics as if I don't know who Jim is, which is nice. I like that. I like that. If I'm an affiliate, going to send traffic here. I like a cold angle, something I can run with. Okay, let's go look at the success newsletter. Join the Inner Circle. Oh, did we see that before? No, but I do know Russell has an Inner circle product. It's a coaching product. That's probably where my brain is going on that. So join the inner circle, get insider updates with our newsletter. Join out for insider insights and behind the scenes access of our brand. Interesting.

Okay, so this is more to get insider updates on the business or the magazine Success magazine. I'm going to go ahead and close that one out.

So what I'm gathering here is I'm looking at different angles and what the audience might be trying to experience when they visit and the type of audience that we're looking for here. I'm also comparing to the types of audiences that may be attracted to secrets of, which is Russell Brunson's product or service that we're going to look at here soon. So I'm just wrapping my brain around these types of landing pages right now. So sign up for Brian Tracy's success newsletter. Achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before. I like a simple headline like that. Subhead, excuse me. And this is another good one, Brian Tracy going after one email address. Sign up now and I wonder how this button sign up now would do versus subscribe free. That's interesting to me. I wonder what the difference is. So that might be a test. I would kind of bank that test idea and I might put that into a document later. In fact, we might start that as a brief template. So I'm going to leave this tab up just in case I want to build a test and kind of mix and match these for my own newsletter. If I were to create a newsletter,

Then we have three little benefits and a lot of credibility images here. Everywhere that Brian Tracy has been quoted or seen some really big trust building icons here. I think that's good. We have a simple book cover, simple computer image indicating email, and then Brian Tracy logo. Todd, there's no other navigation here. So this is a good page I think.

Very simple. Alright, learn with Eleanor Shakiba, think learn, succeed. This is Australian audience. Get free tips for success twice a month each fortnight you'll receive an inspiring lead and succeed video from Eleanor. Quick article to prime your brain for success, your personal update. I like the words prime your brain for success. Now we know Napoleon Hill kind of talks about that, so that might be something good to key in on. So I'm going to leave this up. I'm going to highlight, oh, I can't highlight that. It looks like that's an image, alright. Or they've disabled highlighting clicking on that, but it does look like it's an image. Alright, so we have first name, last name, and email. So really they only want first name and email. So another one with just a few fields. I want to receive biweekly videos and success tips. Submit. Alright, so not a lot, well not too much information. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. So this must be where secrets of success is looking for the thought of the day type of a thing. So largely getting influenced by of course the Napoleon Hill, which makes sense and I'll explain why in just a little bit.

First name, it looks like there's a browser rendering issue on this page for the Napoleon Hill. These form fields would likely need to be bigger. First name, last name, email address. This field for some reason is getting really shrunken down. And then just the simple subscribe button. So this is what the newsletter looks like. I like that sample. I like seeing what I'm going to receive so that I can sign up for. So I'm going to keep that mostly for that image. So let's jump back to here. Now we're in Nightingale. The personal development leaders on this website is kind of archaic, isn't it? But it all depends on the audience. So for me, this is archaic, but for another person who is a Nightingale Conant reader and has been a long time reader, they might be familiar with this sort of, people are familiar with Amazon and really, really like that format because they've kind of grown into it, so to speak. So let's look at this. Alright, looks like we have a lot of good information here. I like all of the content. If I were to read through it, that would be good to know. I do love deep content.

That was something that caught my eye. These are just a few of the influential people in Napoleon Hill interviewed on this 20 year quest to discover the science buying success. That is a cool list. Big time people. Woolworth, Edison, Rockefeller, of course, Ford, Teddy Roosevelt, I mean everybody. Wow, it's incredible.

A lot of good copy here to possibly get influenced by and to write about. Okay, let's go back to this homepage and see what have to compare. So as a creative, I like the black background, I like the white text a little bit. I like how easy everything is to read. I like how clear and focused this is. It looks like this page definitely matches the industry as far as the success space goes in the personal development space goes. So that's good to see. There's some industry standards here. It could just be the web in general though. So you kind of never really know when something, it does feel like it's very similar to what the web in general is like now. So let's scroll through the rest of this page. So we have this headline up at the top. Now we've gone and looked at a few competitors.

We've done some competitive research to see, well where does this page land? What's this campaign objective? What's the audience and is it a match for the audience? So far at first glance with looking through all of these other pages, it does seem like this page is primed for that success, personal development audience, which is perfect. That's sort of what we assumed and it seems like it is matching our assumptions so far. So we have one call to action here, subscribe free, and we have the email, but then we have two. And this baffles me because I like a focused page. The homepage though can have multiple objectives. So I suppose that's where this can be lumped in. But I always ask myself why are there other objectives and what might drive somebody to look at those objectives, right? So with a headline like this and a top page or above the fold of the page being all email newsletter, and then suddenly without any sort of segue, we're taken from subscribe Now to step one.

And in my head I'm like, I'm wondering, I thought step one was this. So I'm getting a little bit confused as a user, and this may be because the audience isn't confused, there's always that factor. So my question from me being confused, it has nothing to do with Russell or his business partner or secrets of That's on me. I do want to make that clear whenever I'm confused or whenever I don't understand, this is just stream of thought. So I'm asking myself why, what about this audience? Am I missing that they can go from a newsletter to step one watch Biblio Mania. Can one book really be worth one and a half million dollars? That's a good curiosity driven hook. And we'll dive into this page in another video just so you're aware. Then we have step two, join the community. We'll ship you unpublished Napoleon Hill books for free. I like that. It's a really good strong hook. So yes, definitely we'll want to go look at that page here in another video too. I like the idea of a free gift. So there's a lot pulling me in here and it could simply be because it's a homepage, which that may very be the purpose of the homepage to showcase everything that's, I am still a little bit curious about why not some sort of a segue

Between the newsletter and these steps telling me what these steps will help me do.

So right now these are just action-based items as far as the copywriting goes, which I will say as a marketer, I like to learn and try to understand copywriting. But I will say that I like to hire copywriters because I wouldn't call myself a copywriter myself, but I am trying to think logically here and simply trying to understand what about this audience makes this possible and is this succeeding or is there a test out there? Is there a variation that we can run or that somebody else is running that can tell us a little bit more about this audience? Going from the newsletter call to action and testimonial to step one and step two, and I'm still scratching my head here, but let's go through the rest of this page because I do like this layout. Secrets of Success greatest his. So here are the recent posts. I wonder if one of these looks like the newsletter, it likely isn't or maybe it is. Let's go look. Alright, so this looks like just a normal blog post. It kind of has a newsletter feel to it. So what I'm looking at here is I'm looking for the bold letters, the italics, how are they using texts in these posts? And this may be the types of newsletters I'm going to see what are the callouts they're using? Maybe they're using some emojis. What are they underlining? What are the bullet points? Looks like there's questions.

Alright, some good story going on here. Charles F. Hull who built MasterKey, which is interesting. And then we have the tox soon. Russell Brunson, here's all of the master keys. So there's a credit based system behind this. That's interesting, right? We'll have to dissect that later. Okay, we'll just dissect this post. I was just curious to see what those recent posts look like. So we have this and then we have the segue, which says Secrets of Success, greatest hits, recent posts.

We have multiple pages and then we start to get into the footer. No, actually we're not even in the footer yet. Okay, so we have another newsletter. Call out, subscribe to Secrets of Success, transform Your Life in just two minutes a day. Receive an email inspired by success Philosophers. Okay, great. So we're coming back to this theme, which I like and more pictures of Russell looking at books here, looking at classics. We have featured authors, so this must be the authors inside of Secrets of Success that are covered in Napoleon Hill, Oron Sweat, Martin Charles f ll. Okay, we can look at all the authors. Awesome. Then we have the Footer Reserve Secrets of Success Terms. Income disclaimer, that's interesting. Affiliates and member login. Of course, when talking about success, a lot of times there are three categories that success can be attributed toward. And these are also categories that affiliate marketers love because they're always growing.

There's health, wealth, and romance. And a lot of times success in life means having the money because then people believe sometimes that having the money will help them become more healthy and it helps improve their romance side of their lives, their relationships. So health, wealth, and romance, which makes sense. As far as the wealth piece on any success discussion, any money discussion on any of these authors or by these authors, their likely needs to be an income disclaimer there. Alright, so let's say that we like this and we're in the success space, or we want to start building a list in this success space similar to Russell here. Now let's segue in from this homepage and turn this into, well, what could I do to have a team or what can I source and get somebody else to build for me on this? Excuse me. Let's talk about that for just a minute here. So let's say we like this homepage, we like the layout. We have a few things we might change. We have a bunch of examples here. Actually we'll close that one out. We'll close this familiar one out, leave this one, leave this one, leave this one, and this one and this one. Okay.

All right. So let's say that I want a team to help me create a page similar to this because I think there's an audience here that I can tap into and that I can build a community around or as supplemental or incremental for my existing community, and I can see who's interested in my audience in this type of content. And that case, I might start with a brief template. So I always have a brief template handy. And then once I have the brief outlined for exactly what I want to accomplish, including examples of what I want to accomplish, I decide who to have do that. So I create job descriptions and then I have, this is just, I like the word datum or datum and I'm going to start making sense of everything here. So let's start here in the spreadsheet, we will call this a campaign and we'll say type of campaign. Let's go with theme, let's go with brief and we'll link the brief in here. We'll go with job. Let's go with who do we need to make this happen and what are the job descriptions to make this happen. We may add more here as we go. Like I said, this is a stream of thought for this very first video here at Digital Marketing Bear. We're super excited about it. So let's call this Success Secrets

Of Success. We'll just call this type will be homepage theme. Theme will be newsletter, or I guess we should call this the objective newsletter subscriptions. And then we'll link the brief and we'll link the who or discuss the who after we create the brief and potential job descriptions. So, all right, the project timeline, I guess this is my template. So I will go file, make a copy. We'll call this Secret of success homepage newsletter subscriptions or newsletter signups. We'll leave a newsletter subscriptions. So now we'll copy and paste this over the project name. What's the timeline at the moment? I'm not sure on the timeline. I will go over the timeline later. The goal or objective is increase. Use the letter subscriber count and examples if that goal is achieved. Actually I'm going to say how we're going to achieve the goal in this. So increase newsletter subscriber count by creating a landing page designed to get email to get people, because this is all about people to subscribe to our newsletter. Example, if the goal or objective is achieved, a page similar to secrets of Going back to my template, here we go. Page similar to secrets of,

And we'll just kind of list all of these tabs here. We'll do this. I won't need the analytics tags here. The question mark, everything after the question mark I likely don't need. So I'm just going to include that here.

And what this will do is this will give a team who is looking at this and the people that you assign when they look at this, they'll say, oh, so we're doing a mashup of these pages. So we'll likely need calls to action. We'll likely need images, we'll likely need assets that contribute to the success of this page, and we're likely going to need more information and copywriting. And that's sort of what I want to get out of this. When I send a project to a team or to people, I want them to look at these and get ideas for how I might like to see it to match our brand voice. And even better, I'm going to add some notes next to all of these just to help the team know specifically what I liked. So this is an actual newsletter, I think. Yeah, the Advantage newsletter. So we'll go ahead and copy that. Okay, so I'll add a little thought after all of these. So on this one, I like the call to action headline area in the top left above the fold, plus the photo on the right, but that could be a video for us.

Okay, let's see How to use a journal. I love the cold audience approach to introducing the concept and the man behind it. Let's see, for this one, let's go and look at this. One was, oh yeah, I like the single field. So in here I typed just like the Secrets of success page with the single email address field, super simple form, which is what we'll want in our page. The picture of the actual book from this Brian Tracy page is nice too. Okay, so let's go to the Think learn, page, the Australian page. What I liked here was the prime your brain for success. I liked the prime Your Brain for success angle possibly might get other ideas for what to write from this page at a high level. Now, I'll put a note here. Overall, the design isn't the fit for our brand, but the content may spin off good ideas, which is why I'm including it here. Okay,

Alright. Isn't it stream of thought fun. I love doing this. This is how detailed I like to get in my briefs when I'm handing a project off to a team. This helps me manage and it also frees up my time to do exactly this. Not so much recording the video, although that is super helpful to your team, and I highly recommend that record Loom videos for every project that you have or that you introduce and show people what you're looking for and discuss it a little bit. But more so the research side, the discovery side, that's what managers should be doing, and that's what strategists do. If you are stuck doing the task itself, if you're stuck building this homepage yourself, you are not out there looking at other competitors, you're not doing other research to find out, is this what the audience likes? Is this what they're used to?

Is this the type and style that they're looking for? How else can we tap into this audience? That's what strategists should be doing versus getting into the technical side of things and actually building the technical side out. So this is why I love to do this, because it helps my team understand the strategy so that they can execute nearly flawlessly, which I love. And if there's a mistake, if they don't produce something that I thought I described, then the chances are it was my fault and I need to do better on the brief and I learn. So every time I'm always learning as a marketer, I've been marketing since 2004, so coming up on 20 years now, and I still, my mind gets blown every single day just at new audiences, new ways of doing things, new word combinations, headlines I haven't seen before. Or if I have, I've forgotten.

The bottom line is this, I want my team to succeed as much as they can and to satisfy and execute to my vision. And to do that, I need to give them as many details as possible. If there's a miss in execution, 99.9% chance, it's going to be something that I described that just simply didn't come across or transfer very well. So I think more words is better than fewer when you're passing along a brief to pass along your vision for somebody else to implement. Alright, so what are my thoughts here in Napoleon Hill? What did I like? Oh yeah, the sample newsletter

On this one, not so much the design, but the sample thought of the day, photo screenshot, showcasing what somebody will get and they subscribe. I really, really love it when people show what you get or tell you what you get. When you subscribe to a newsletter, you expect a newsletter, but what does that look like? What's the experience going to be? The more that I know what the experience is going to be like, the more likely I'm going to know and trust that experience and sign up for it. So with that being the objective, I do think that there's some room for optimization. I do think Secrets of Success is very well designed by much better marketers than me. I would simply say I would love to see tests around this. I would love to see if this can be improved at all. And if so, there's a lot of ideas in here that I'm going to take and apply to my own business with this brief. So then we have this sample newsletter, full sample newsletter with a lot more information. I like the exhaustive nature of it to really showcase the value behind the newsletter and the information inside. Not so much for design purposes, but for volume of information for copywriters to create for us. Okay.

All right. So we have examples of what this is going to look like. The goal and the objective is to increase newsletter subscriber count by creating a landing page designed to get people to subscribe to our newsletter. This is really the objective here, and I like going through these questions. I don't know about the timeline just yet. I might say something along the lines of, we'll need team input here. Or if I'm a project manager, and I know that we create these pages all the time, I will put dates and say, deadline for this to go live would be, in this case, because I'm recording this on December 12th, I might say one week from today would be like December 19th, 2023. Day one, review the project and details, answer any questions, day two, research and copywriting. Day three, go to production with whatever's been

With copy asset requests, day four and so on. I will just define exactly what's going to happen every single day and then organize my team around it to expand this and make it even more detailed. But where this comes in handy too, is if you're in mid-level management, this will help you pitch another project to your team or to your boss to say, Hey, this is the timeline, this is the budget. This is everything we need. This is the idea, here's why. And so on. This is the type of detail that I would look for. Okay, so who is this for? This is asking about the audience. As marketers, I'm always looking for the audience. In this case, I will have a brief somewhere else, all about the audience. But for now, I will say people interested in personal development success, we'll say personal success and

Breakthroughs in their business or life.

So this is really, really light. I would like to see this detailed more. However, I do think that sometimes being brief and then linking, so I might say link to audience brief, and I'll put the link here. So this document will end up linking to another one that's way more in depth on the audience that I'm trying to reach. For example, I might say typically we'll be 40 to 60 years old on a business and be exceptionally driven to build a legacy. Okay. Alright. What resources are available to accomplish this task? This will be sort of a checklist of everything needed. The resources we might have at the moment might be a, let's say ClickFunnels account. Just as a nod to Russell Brunson and team, we have, we'll say Luis, the graphic designer. We'll have Vince, the marketing ops manager. So we're looking at people, software budget, let's say $400 for this project. We have people to help design and create assets. We need a copywriter. So we'll say Ben, the copywriter will need a developer. So we might say, actually, we might say Vince will help. We have designer, we have a manager. We're not planning on any video just yet, although I did suggest a video up here.

Let's kind of jot down the resources we'll need from the copywriter. Let's say we'll need assets as requested by Vince and Ben. We'll need to write five short form social media ads, five social media posts, sample newsletter, landing page, thank you page, we'll call that. Good for now. Awesome. Alright, I think ClickFunnels has everything we need. Even the email side for ClickFunnels 2.0, so let's say ClickFunnels 2.0. If not, I might add active campaign or any other email provider here. I might add

I own video, video editor to the team. Even though I might know that Luis can also handle video editing and she's really, really good at it. Just in case, given the timeline, we might say, well, she might be busy with graphics, so let's free up another resource to contribute to editing. And then I'll say, me, James, we'll record video assets and as requested by the copywriter, if we need somebody else, we might need voiceover talent, we might need animation. There's more. So all of these resources may be available within the company. If not, then this spot might be left blank. I'll just cut that and we'll put it in here. These are the resources needed to accomplish the task. And if we don't have these people on the team, then we know that we will need to create job descriptions for them. Except for me, if I'm creating this and I'm the one kind of spearheading all of this, then of course I'm here to record anything required. And if we don't have these accounts, we'll have to sign up for them. So this will add to the budget and the budget might need to go up. So we might need to say $800 or $1,000 or whatever. It's,

We'll say $2,000. That'll get us a really good comprehensive, maybe even 3000.

Alright. Some of you may be thinking, well, that's crazy expensive. If you have the resources to hire a great copywriter and great designer and ops managers and video editors, yeah, this might be too expensive just for the software listed, but for all of these people, especially your copywriter and ops manager, your implementation people, this budget is well within reason. It may even be exceptionally low. So you might need something like 5,000 for all of this, especially with all of these copy ran pieces. If you're going long form, if you're going video sales letter style, there are so many pieces that can go into marketing. It's crazy. And this budget can go, this budget could even go to like $50,000 depending on the organization that you're in. It can get intense. So I'm just going to throw a budget out there. I don't know that there's a specific budget, but whatever you can budget or can't afford for a project like this, I would put it in there as resources required. Just so you know, when you're reviewing this with your team, what are roadblocks? Okay, I like to poke holes. Some of the roadblocks that I can see are, we don't have a newsletter yet,

So we might need to decide on the content there. People may not be receptive to it. Initial newsletters. So we'll have to adapt email delivery. So if we're in the make money online space, that's notorious for having email delivery issues. Because a lot of times if you are selling make money online types of products, those get lumped in with a lot of the spam that's out there and the scammers that are out there that really don't have meat to their content like you probably do, and they get lumped into the junk mail or the spam box. So email delivery may be a problem. You also have compliance. The social networks or ad networks may be a challenge. You may have, maybe the graphic designer that you're thinking of is backlogged by six weeks. These are the types of roadblocks that you're going to want to write down just so you know and can prepare for those and work those in as you plan out your schedule of projects with your team. Alright, so what are the next steps to take to accomplish this? Or what are the steps to take to accomplish this task? This is where you kind of start to get a checklist in place. So I will create a checklist

And we will say, the first one is team meeting. Actually I'll say record a video describing a project in detail, including a review of the examples. This is the very first thing I will do. Then I'll include it in the notes. Put the video link, intro video link here. I also might put this up at the top too.

Let's put this up here. So we'll include that and we'll highlight it in yellow and bold it so that if anybody has any questions they should know, really look at this. This is crazy. Alright, let's make it even brighter. There we go. That should really pop on the page. So if somebody misses a detail and they likely didn't watch the video, then we can point to that and not have to waste our time. So the very first step is to record a video, and then we will go to, let's see, let's look at the resources needed. We'll need to buy a Click Funnels 2.0 account. We'll need to buy an active campaign account, which we might need to get specialists for that too. So we might just say, list a job for a specialist at Fiverr or Upwork, or come to a company that I own, a company like Specialists pH. That's if you're looking for full-timers. So for this particular project that may not be the best fit. We might need to list a job for an active campaign specialist to help us set that up. Okay, let's continue on this list. We will need hire a copywriter.

We'll just say, we'll do that from Upwork or locally or go to an agency. Let's hire, which may need its own checklist. So we'll need a job description or go to online, possibly pH. I love the Philippines, love working with them. I love sourcing any work to developing countries. Just to be clear, it's one of my most favorite things to do. Okay, right. I think this gives you an idea.

If you're interested in more, drop it in the comments and I'll be happy to sort of finish this template out and then I can share it in the description here of this video. Wherever we post this video, I am a little bit aware of the time. I do want to try to get more of these videos out. And we also need to move over to a job description template. The bottom line here is you want to be as detailed as possible with the steps that you can think of to accomplish this task. Because when you review this, you'll get a better idea of the timeline. So where this will translate into is you can say, okay, I can do this in 10 minutes. 10 minutes, job descriptions, creating the jobs. That might take me a few hours. So now we're looking at day one jobs, day two. This might turn into week one, right? Mostly because you'll need to wait for people to apply and then to vet them and interview them. This might be even like weeks one to two

And then week two, day one, and so on. So you might be able to kind of update your timeline as you go. This will give you the insights you need. I'm going to let you connect the dots there so that we can get over to the job description templates really quick. One of my favorite techniques here with a job description is, well first, let's copy this, make a copy. I always like to start with hr. The very first person that I want to hire for this role and to help me find these roles is the HR person. I want a recruiter. So I'm going to say HR slash recruiter. I'm going to make a copy. I'll move my template back over here. So now we have our project, and I will make the video so that the HR person knows what I'm hoping to accomplish and the roles that I need. So the mission statement, oh, let's go through the job title. Human resources, we'll call them specialists, human resources, recruiting specialists. We may just simplify it. Let's just call it recruiting specialists. There we go. All right. The mission statement is to produce the best possible candidates to do the job as outlined in the project brief.

Hey, let's link to the project brief. This will be secrets of Success. There we go. There we go. Okay, summary of the role. Let's go to Bard for this. I like ai. How might you summarize the job requirements for a recruiting specialist? All right, let's go back and look at the summary of the role. So we have way more details from Bard than we need at the moment. So let's do this little summary here. All right. Just wanted to type that out before reading it back to you here.

So the summary of the role overall of recruiting specialist is a multifaceted role that demands a blend of technical expertise in a personal skills and business sense. The recruiting specialist will create job descriptions, conduct initial interviews, document details of each candidate inside of a spreadsheet, and make recommendations for the top tier talent and culture match to the hiring manager, which in this case is you or me. Who will this role report to? This role will report to the marketing manager. In this case, that might be me, or we can say C-E-O-C-M-O, whoever they'll report to here. Strategist, marketing strategist, we might like that actually a little bit better. Marketing strategist, which metric will this role own? This role will own the number of qualified candidates per role requested. So right now we kind of know we have maybe two to three roles based on the secrets of success brief here. Let's go count those roles. Graphic designer, ops manager, copywriter, active campaign specialist, ClickFunnel specialist, video editor. There's actually five or six here, so this is good. Alright, skills and requirements. Let's copy and paste from Bard

From the skills and attributes section. We'll just paste it right in here. Strong communication, yes, that's something we want. Interpersonal skills, attention to detail, analytical, organizational, awesome. The key here is when we get applicants for this role, we need to interview them for ourselves to see if there are a culture match, to see if they have the communication. One thing that I like to look for, and I call this part of the interview process the show and tell, show me what you've worked on in the past. Show me the candidates that you've produced in the past. I want to know your recruiting style. Show me how you recruit. What are you looking for and how can you help me and let them sort of interview you, especially in this type of a role. We want to know that they're going to be a good culture match to us.

We'll make a person a good company culture match. I really like this question because company culture match is arguably the most important thing. If they match the company culture, then they will likely get it done. They'll figure out how to get it done, they'll want to get it done. They'll live and love the mission of the company and they'll want to adapt it as their own. And that makes a good company culture match. They'll find their spot at that company if that's the case. So we passion for the work, get it done attitude. So that's kind of like proactivity, not a perfectionist. They'll be self-driving. Let's see. Good with criticism and critical thinking, driven to succeed. Excellent communications. I think that is the simple list to cover it. Alright, awesome. So now we get into what will this role do or deliver in detail? You will. So this is kind of writing it to the person if we want for the job description side. But for the scorecard side, this discusses the specifics. So this one will recruit for five roles, video editor, active campaign specialist, ClickFunnels specialist, marketing ops specialist, copywriting specialist. And we'll say that covers it for now. And we may have more details about each of these roles.

And we may actually task the HR person or the recruiting manager, or the recruiting specialist here to help us develop the job descriptions for these roles. So this is what they'll do and then we'll leave it up to them. Leave it up to the recruiting specialist to develop this section.

Okay, awesome. So now we know a little bit of what we're looking for. We know who we're looking for to help us find these other specialists and we can let a lot them attack all of that work, which will free up our time to build more of these campaigns. Look at more of these campaigns. Deep dive into part two of this video will be going to biblio mania. Who is that for? What's that? Is it the same audience or similar audience? How can we replicate that? What's the video say? What's inside of that? Well, what's the message overall and how is that working? And why might that be working? So that's what we'll tackle in the second video here. If you've enjoyed this video and you've learned a little bit and you're learning how to lead and how to develop a brief and job descriptions, please go ahead and click like on the video, subscribe on the video, and I'll see you in the next one. See you later.

James Zolman
Specialist PH Content Writer
CEO @ Specialist.PH, Board Member, and a hobby mechanic (Current project: 1976 pickup truck)
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