Hire A Klaviyo Specialist


Hire A Klaviyo Specialist


Table of Contents

"We were missing out on a huge revenue opportunity," says Mark, Marketing Manager

Mark, a seasoned marketing manager, faced a significant challenge.

His team was excelling in initial customer acquisition, but their email campaigns for retention and reactivation were lagging.

“We were launching great onboarding campaigns, but after that, the emails just stopped. No one had the bandwidth to handle the ongoing engagement,” Mark explains.

Recognizing the untapped potential for increased revenue, he decided it was time to hire a Klaviyo specialist to take their email marketing to the next level. 

Klaviyo's Impact on Business Performance

Klaviyo has become a go-to platform for eCommerce businesses looking to personalize their marketing strategies and enhance customer engagement. Here are key statistics showing how Klaviyo can impact business performance:

  • Personalized marketing drives revenue: According to Klaviyo's internal data, "businesses that use Klaviyo to send personalized email campaigns see, on average, a 29% increase in email revenue." Personalization, including behavior-triggered emails and product recommendations, helps businesses connect with customers at the right time with the right message.
  • Segmentation leads to better engagement: Klaviyo reports that "segmented email campaigns receive 14.32% higher open rates and 100.95% higher click rates than non-segmented campaigns." This highlights the importance of targeting the right customers with tailored messages to maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Email as a powerful channel: Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach customers. According to Statista, "the global email marketing market is expected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027." Klaviyo's advanced segmentation and automation features allow businesses to tap into this growing channel for customer retention and revenue generation.

Klaviyo Email Marketing Industry Growth

Klaviyo has quickly risen as a leading email and SMS marketing platform, particularly within the eCommerce space. As businesses increasingly rely on personalized communications to engage with customers, Klaviyo's industry presence continues to grow:

  • Widespread adoption by eCommerce businesses: Klaviyo is now used by over 151,000+ eCommerce brands worldwide. Klaviyo's platform has become essential for brands looking to manage their customer lifecycle and increase customer loyalty through automated, personalized marketing.
  • Growth in SMS marketing: In addition to email, Klaviyo’s SMS capabilities are driving adoption. The platform reports that "businesses using Klaviyo for both email and SMS marketing see a 19% overall growth rate." The combination of email and SMS provides a more comprehensive strategy to reach customers across multiple channels.

Cost of Bad Hires for Klaviyo Management

Hiring an underqualified or inexperienced Klaviyo specialist can hinder your marketing performance and result in ineffective campaigns. Here are some reasons why:

  • Lost revenue from poor campaign management: A poorly managed email marketing campaign can lead to missed opportunities for revenue generation. According to Statista, "for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses see an average return of $36." A bad hire could result in underperforming campaigns and diminished returns.
  • Deliverability issues: Email deliverability is crucial to the success of Klaviyo campaigns. According to Email Tool Tester, "the average global email deliverability rate is around 83%." If your Klaviyo specialist doesn’t understand how to maintain proper list hygiene or optimize email content for deliverability, you could experience lower inbox placement, hurting your overall marketing strategy.

Klaviyo Return On Investment

When utilized correctly, Klaviyo offers a high return on investment, especially for eCommerce businesses that rely heavily on personalized customer engagement:

  • Strong ROI for email marketing: According to HubSpot, "email generates the highest ROI for marketers, delivering an average of $36 for every $1 spent." Klaviyo, with its robust segmentation and automation tools, is particularly effective in helping businesses maximize the ROI from their email marketing efforts.
  • Increased revenue with automation: Klaviyo reports that "businesses using Klaviyo’s automated flows see 10x higher revenue per email than businesses that send only one-time campaigns." This demonstrates how automation tools, such as welcome sequences and abandoned cart flows, can significantly boost sales without manual intervention.

What does a Klaviyo Specialist do? 

A Klaviyo specialist for Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands is crucial for driving growth through expertly crafted email marketing strategies. These Klaviyo specialists at Specialist.PH focus on optimizing your Klaviyo platform to enhance customer engagement and boost sales.

  • Strategy Development: Collaborate to align email marketing strategies with business goals and target audience.
  • List Building and Segmentation: Utilize Klaviyo’s tools to segment email lists for targeted campaigns based on demographics and behavior.
  • Campaign Design and Development: Craft engaging email content and design templates that are on-brand, mobile-friendly, and optimized.
  • Automation Setup and Management: Create automated workflows for lead nurturing, re-engagement, and sales conversions.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Analyze campaign performance and provide clear insights and reports.
  • Klaviyo Platform Management: Optimize Klaviyo setup, including e-commerce integrations, and implement the latest features strategically.

Why Hire Klaviyo Specialists from Specialist.PH?

Klaviyo isn't just an email tool; it's a DTC growth engine. Think of Klaviyo as more than just an email tool. It's a direct-to-consumer (DTC) growth engine, a power-packed platform that takes your customer data, analyzes it, and transforms it into actionable marketing strategies.

Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with your current tech stack, collecting and interpreting rich customer data from various touchpoints. It's not a mere email marketing tool; it's an all-encompassing marketing automation platform that empowers your business to create highly targeted, personalized marketing campaigns.

An expert Klaviyo specialist from Specialist.PH can help you unlock Klaviyo's full potential. They understand the nuances of this platform and know how to leverage its rich feature set to drive customer engagement, retention, and ultimately, revenue growth. They can help you segment your audience effectively, deliver personalized messaging, and build automated workflows that nurture leads and turn them into loyal customers.

Klaviyo is an incredibly powerful tool for DTC brands, but it requires a deep understanding of marketing automation, customer segmentation, email marketing, and more. It's not about sending emails — it's about building relationships.

In a world where customers expect personalized, relevant communications, Klaviyo stands out. It's not just an email tool; it's your secret weapon for DTC growth. With an expert Klaviyo specialist from Specialist.PH, you can harness the power of this platform to take your DTC brand to new heights.

How to Hire a Klaviyo Specialist with Specialist.PH

At Specialist.PH, we ensure that recruiting a Klaviyo specialist is efficient and tailored to your needs.

Step 1: Define Your Requirements
We start by understanding your email marketing goals. Share your specific needs with us, and we’ll create a tailored job description and begin recruiting. You’re under no obligation to hire until you find the perfect candidate.

Step 2: Initial Screening
Candidates undergo a thorough assessment, including English proficiency, cultural fit, and alignment with your company’s values.

Step 3: Skillset Evaluation
We validate each candidate’s Klaviyo expertise, including segmentation, automation, and campaign management.

Portfolio Review: What we Look For

  • Successful Campaigns: Examples of campaigns with measurable results, such as increased open rates, conversions, or revenue growth.
  • Segmentation Strategies: Demonstrated use of Klaviyo's segmentation tools to target specific audiences effectively.
  • Automated Workflows: Showcases of automated email flows that nurture leads, re-engage customers, and drive sales.
  • Detailed Explanations: Insights into how campaigns were designed and executed to align with specific business goals.
  • Creative and Technical Proficiency: Evidence of both creative email design and technical mastery of the Klaviyo platform.

Step 4: Client Review and Selection
We present you with a shortlist of top candidates, allowing you to select the specialist who best aligns with your business objectives.

Klaviyo Specialist Role Scorecard

Creating a role scorecard is essential for measuring the success of your Klaviyo specialist. Unlike a job description, which outlines qualifications, the scorecard provides clear metrics for performance. It defines the outcomes a specialist is responsible for and the skills needed to achieve them. The scorecard is also a crucial onboarding tool, setting expectations and clarifying how performance will be evaluated. It ensures alignment between company goals and the specialist’s role, making it clear how their contributions will drive business growth.

Example of a Klaviyo Specialist Role Scorecard

The minimal role scorecard will have the following sections:

Role Mission


Skills Required


Additional Notes

See examples of each of these sections for Klaviyo Specialists below -

Role Mission: Drive growth through Klaviyo flow buildouts, segmentation, and technical optimization.


  • Improve blended ROAS and conversion rates from email/SMS
  • Contribute to consistent, revenue-generating email strategies
  • Increase average order values through data-driven tactics

Skills Required:

  • Analytics, Creative Design, Email/SMS Marketing, CRM Platforms (Klaviyo)


  • Strategic Thinking, Analytical Skills, Attention to Detail, Proactivity, Communication

The scorecard sets the foundation for success, ensuring that your Klaviyo specialist is equipped to meet and exceed expectations from day one.

Click this link to make a copy of our sample Klaviyo specialist role scorecard

Klaviyo Specialist Job Description

At Specialist.PH, we understand that hiring the right Klaviyo specialist is crucial for driving the success of your email marketing campaigns. Our recruitment process is carefully made to ensure you find a top-tier Klaviyo specialist who fits seamlessly into your team and delivers exceptional results.

Our Process:

  1. Introductory Call: We begin with a detailed call to discuss your specific needs, challenges, and goals. This ensures we fully understand how a Klaviyo specialist can enhance your marketing efforts.
  2. Role Scorecards: Based on our discussion, we develop a role scorecard that outlines key responsibilities, required skills, and success metrics. This scorecard serves as a benchmark for evaluating candidates and aligns the role with your objectives.
  3. Tailored Job Descriptions: We use the role scorecard to craft a precise job description that attracts the best Klaviyo talent. The description clearly communicates expectations, challenges, and growth opportunities, ensuring we find a specialist perfectly suited to your needs.

By focusing on your unique requirements and developing a detailed role scorecard and job description, we ensure that the Klaviyo specialist we recruit is not only highly skilled but also aligned with your business goals and culture. This process enhances your chances of finding a candidate who can deliver outstanding results and contribute to your long-term success.

Below is an example of the type of job descriptions we create to help our clients recruit the best Klaviyo specialists.

Klaviyo Email Marketer 

At [Your company name]: [Your company slogan here]

We're looking for a full-time Klaviyo Specialist who can tune into retention strategies in email marketing, understand e-commerce strategy, and leverage design to tap into consumer behavior.

Is that you? 

If you would like to join our company and work hard as one of the best digital marketers in the world, then you'll want to apply for this job to work with us!

[Your company name] is a human resources partner to marketing agencies and marketing teams that have high standards for quality, getting work done, and producing amazing results.

As a Klaviyo Specialist, you will design high-converting email templates and flows for clients, create conversion metrics to be determined by strategists or clients, and create defensible designs built around behavioral / lifecycle knowledge of e-commerce. You will also do rapid deployment of flows and campaigns inside of Klaviyo, clean code and adoption of HTML first (no image blocks used), and create responsive designs and implementations that look good on all devices. In addition, you will contribute to the client’s documentation and procedures around Klaviyo implementation. 


-Have 2+ years of experience in Klaviyo Email Marketing

-Know Klaviyo Builder Tools (classic and new)

-Know email HTML and CSS

-Have experience in web designing (a huge plus!)

-Have the ability to manage brand assets for each client - provided photo assets, fonts, save block elements in Klaviyo, etc.

-Can think strategically when building a campaign based on an overall goal / strategic brief or testing strategy

-Can stay up to date on the latest Klaviyo template editor features and functionality, email design trends, and best practices

-Are fluent in English both speaking and writing

-Are comfortable on the phone talking to different clients

-Very detail oriented

-Can work in US Time Zone

-Have a good internet connection and video conference capabilities


[list your company benefits here or any benefits that freelancers may receive by working on your projects]

Click here to see a full example of this template in action and make a copy for yourself of our Klaviyo specialist job description 

Essential Skills to Look for in a Klaviyo Specialist

1. Email Marketing Strategy: Expertise in developing and aligning email marketing strategies with overall business goals.

2. Audience Segmentation: Proficiency in using Klaviyo’s segmentation tools to target specific customer groups based on demographics, behavior, and purchase history.

3. Campaign Creation: Ability to craft engaging email copy and design visually appealing, mobile-friendly templates.

4. Automation and Workflow Management: Skill in setting up and managing automated email workflows for lead nurturing and sales conversion.

5. Data Analysis: Competence in tracking, analyzing, and reporting on campaign performance to optimize results.

6. Klaviyo Platform Mastery: Deep understanding of Klaviyo’s features, including integrations and platform management, to fully leverage its capabilities.

When to Hire a Klaviyo Specialist

Are your email campaigns running smoothly?
If your essential transactional and promotional emails aren't flowing seamlessly, it's time to hire a Klaviyo specialist from Specialist.PH.

Are you missing email opportunities due to limited resources?
A lean team can miss out on advanced analytics, complex flows, and integrations. Consider whether the potential revenue from these upgrades justifies a new hire.

Is your team experiencing burnout?
If your team is overworked and stretched thin, it's a sign you've outgrown your current headcount. Hiring a Klaviyo specialist can help alleviate this strain and retain your existing employees.

Evaluating these questions can help determine if it's the right time to expand your team with a Klaviyo expert from Specialist.PH. Our specialists are ready to enhance your email marketing strategies, ensuring you maximize your email campaign potential.